
Welcome to my humble web pages! In this page you can find some of the software I have written over the years. All programs are free software; you can redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either versions 2 or 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Size-optimized programs

    • ftpd - FTP server

    • gzip - gzip

    • logind - virtual console terminal login manager

    • minutils - minimalist utilities (cat date echo hwclock ifconfig ip iwconfig mknod mount nice pkill _reboot rm setserial sh sleep umount)

    • rshd - remote shell server

    • seriald - serial port TCP/IP proxy

    • syslogd - system and kernel logger

Linux kernel

    • can - Controller Area Network subsystem (school project, report)

    • doc2000 - driver for M-Systems DiskOnChip 2000 devices

    • doc2000-howto - DiskOnChip how-to

    • initcpio - initcpio how-to

    • - driver for the Microchip MCP2515 SPI CAN controller

    • pps - pulse per second (based on ntp-pps-2.6.28-rc6-ter.diff)

    • serialpxa - allow setting the ASYNC_LOW_LATENCY flag on the ARM PXA serial ports driver

    • tscan1 - driver for Technologic Systems TS-CAN1 boards

    • verdex - Gumstix Verdex ARM platform

    • verdex-mcp2515 - Microchip MCP2515 SPI board info for the Gumstix Verdex ARM platform


Assorted small programs I once wrote.

    • 4inarow3d - 4-in-a-row-3D game/artificial intelligence engine (screenshot, pov-ray render, pov-ray source)

    • abot - a bot for opendchub

    • mp3strip - strips all tags off mp3 files

    • rmcc - remote MIDI control change

    • setcdspeed - sets the maximum speed of a CD-ROM drive in Linux

    • smixer - command-line utility to control soundcards' mixers with open sound system drivers

    • spca504a - pulls images and videos from Sunplus SPCA504a based USB cameras

    • xsmixer - open sound system mixer for X, using the Athena Xaw widget set (screenshot)

Debian packages

Debian packages I have created for programs written by others. My packaging is free software, under the GNU General Public License, and the programs are free software, as published by the respective authors and stated in /usr/share/doc/PACKAGE/copyright.

    • binutils-arm - cross-binutils for ARM targets

        • binutils-arm_2.20_amd64.deb - amd64 binary package

        • binutils-arm_2.20_i386.deb - i386 binary package

        • binutils-arm_2.20.dsc - source package

        • binutils-arm_2.20.tar.gz - source tar

    • dietlibc-arm - cross-dietlibc for ARM targets

        • dietlibc-arm_0.32-1_all.deb - binary package

        • dietlibc-arm_0.32-1.dsc - source package

        • dietlibc-arm_0.32.orig.tar.gz - source tar

        • dietlibc-arm_0.32-1.diff.gz - source diff

    • gcc-arm - cross-compiler for ARM targets

        • gcc-arm_4.5.3_amd64.deb - amd64 binary package

        • gcc-arm_4.5.3_i386.deb - i386 binary package

        • gcc-arm_4.5.3.dsc - source package

        • gcc-arm_4.5.3.tar.gz - source tar

        • gcc-arm_4.4.2_amd64.deb - amd64 binary package

        • gcc-arm_4.4.2_i386.deb - i386 binary package

        • gcc-arm_4.4.2.dsc - source package

        • gcc-arm_4.4.2.tar.gz - source tar

    • mbsystem - mapping the seafloor, processing and display of swath sonar data

    • pk2cmd - command line interface to the Microchip PICkit2 programmer

        • pk2cmd_1.20-1_amd64.deb - amd64 binary package

        • pk2cmd_1.20-1_i386.deb - i386 binary package

        • pk2cmd_1.20-1.dsc - source package

        • pk2cmd_1.20.orig.tar.gz - source tar

        • pk2cmd_1.20-1.diff.gz - source diff

    • newlib-arm - cross-newlib for ARM targets

        • newlib-arm_1.17.0_all.deb - binary package

        • newlib-arm_1.17.0.dsc - source package

        • newlib-arm_1.17.0.tar - source tar

Instruções para a Vodafone Connect Pen K3772 em GNU/Linux: vodafone-k3772

Nov 27 2012