
I am actively looking for motivated postgraduate students (masters, PhD) to work with me on a couple of projects in 1) non deterministic behaviour of software tests, 2) source code analysis, 3) code refactoring and 4) static program analysis. If you are interested, please contact me with details about your 1) educational background, 2) research interests and 3) experience.

If you are interested in postgraduate studies in software engineering and would like to join us, please send me an email with 

1) details of your proposed research idea, 

2)  previous qualifications and experience, and 

3) any publications

Current Students

Negar Hashemi


Project: Detecting flaky tests in dynamically typed languages 

Ahmed Fawzy


Project: Data Management Challenged in Agile Software Projects

Previous Postgraduate Students


Completed 2022

Project: Detecting Java Serialisation Vulnerabilities

Current: Lecturer  at UCOL — Te P ̄ukenga (NZ)


Completed 2021

Project: Closing the Gaps in Static Program Analysis

Current: Software Developer - Patriot Systems (NZ)


Completed 2020

Project: Declaration Patterns in Dependency Management

Current: Software Development Engineer -  Amazon (AU)