PHY 103 (Aug 2018)

Syllabus, Books and Handout

The course Syllybus [pdf]

The First Handout for the course (rules etc.) [pdf]

Please buy the hardcopy of the Textbook: D. J. Griffiths: Introduction to Electrodynamics.

For Mathematical Concepts, I strongly recommend the textbook: Mathematical methods for Physicists, by Arfken

For physics motivation and conceptual ideas: Feynman Lectures in Physics - Vol II.

Quiz 1 will be conducted on 31st August 2018 in L20 during the class timings.

Office Hours

Prof. Soumik Mukhopadhyay: Friday 5-6 PM [SL 217/G]

Prof. Arijit Kundu: Wednesday 5-6 PM [FB 373]

Prof. Dipankar Chakraborty: Wednesday 5-6 PM [FB 489]

Prof. Suratna Das: Wednesday 4-5 PM [FB 378]

Prof. Tarun Ghosh: Tuesday 5-6 PM [FB 352]