
Last updated Feb 2020

There is a lot of overlap in the STEM competitions. If you do it right, you can enter the same project in 2-4 different competitions!

The table below lists competitions sponsored by the following student organizations:

  • TSA: Technology Students of America (enhancing students' STEM skills)

  • Skills USA (building a skilled workforce)

  • MESA: Math Engineering Science Achievement (increasing the numbers of women and minorities who enter and succeed in STEM fields)

Below the table is a list of other science competitions.

Talk to one of the STEM Clubs Advisors before you start. You want to be aware of all the requirements so your project won't get disqualified!

More event and team info: TSA Skills USA

Competitions List

Click on the links and/or email Mrs. Jones ( for more info about these competitions.

Science Fair

Plan and carry out an original research project. It can be Experimental (testing a hypothesis) or Engineering (design and test something to solve a problem). Students are highly encouraged to enter the AMES Science Fair in December. From there you can progress to the district-level fair in February, regionals at the UofU in March, and then posssibly (if your project is one of the top 5) the International Science and Engineering Fair in May. You can work alone, or in teams of 2 or 3 students.

NEW! AEOP eCyberMission: 9th grade only, teams of 3-4 students

Early registration ends Nov 11, 2020. Completed project online submission deadline March 3, 2021.They have a set of videos about the research process with worksheets to help you focus and plan your project. Project must be in one of these categories: Alternative Sources of Energy, Environment, Food, Health & Fitness, Forces & Motion, National Security & Safety, Robotics, Technology

MESA Engineering Design Competition: Arduino Based Solutions for Humans

Projects for this competition mesh really well with most of these other competitions, especially HSUEC (see next entry)! Students must enter as a team of 3-4 students. 50% or more of the team members must be students underrepresented in STEM (minorities and females). State Competition takes place in May, date TBA. Teams compete there to qualify for nationals.

High School Utah Entrepreneur Challenge (HSUEC)

Present an idea for an innovative product that could be sold. Many Science Fair projects also get entered here--either engineering projects or experimental projects that test a concept that could potentially be used to create a novel product. Students can submit more than one idea. Sponsored by the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute at the U of U (see top entries, including entries from the college competition, here and here). Projects due at the end of February.

This competition is like a futuristic, imaginary science fair project. Use the latest breakthroughs in science to envision a technology we could be using in 20 years. Teams of 2-4 students. Entries due at the beginning of February.

Intermountain Junior Science & Humanities Symposium

Apply in December (project typically completed the previous year). Finalists are invited to present their project in Montana in March.

Stockholm Jr Water Prize Competition

Eligible projects have to do with "water quality, water resource management, or water and wastewater treatment." Apply in April.

BioGENEius Challenge

Enter in April in one of three categories: Healthcare, Sustainability, Environment.

Science Talent Search

Seniors apply in November with a finished project (can be something you worked on in the last couple of years)

International Sustainable World (Engineering Energy Environment) Project (ISWEEEP (Links to an external site.))