Non-Profit Organizations

The following are links to selected web sites or documents by Non-Profit Organizations (e.g. Alliances, Associations, Coalitions, Societies, etc.) laying out their views and/or plans for America's future:

  • Association of Professional Futurists - A global community of futurists, dedicated to demonstrating the value of strategic foresight and futures studies for their clients and/or employers.

  • Center for Strategic & International Studies - A bipartisan, foreign policy think tank working to solve global issues and challenges.

  • Futurism.Com - News media company covering the latest scientific breakthroughs and technological innovations.

  • Institute for Alternative Futures - After four decades of promoting foresight and anticipatory democracy, has closed at the end of 2019.

  • Institute For The Future (IFTF) - Providing global forecasts, custom research, and foresight training tolarge organizations and communities.

  • Our Future - A network of scholars, activists and leaders representing the progressive movement developing policy ideas and programs with a focus on the future of America.

  • Singularity Hub - Chronicles technological progress by highlighting the breakthroughs, players, and issues shaping the future.

  • Smart Growth America - Researching, advocating, and leading efforts to bring smart growth practices to communities across the US.

  • World Business Council for Sustainable Development - Over 200 global businesses leaders working together to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world.

  • World Economic Forum - Encourages businesses, governments and civil society to commit together to improving the state of the world as we move towards 2040 and beyond.

  • World Future Society - A nonprofit educational and scientific organization investigating how social, economic and technological developments are shaping the future.

* Also check out FutureTimeline.Net

"That Used To Be Us" by Friedman & Mandlebaum - Here's an excerpt from this book with a succinct summary of historical fact. In the 1990's, President Clinton's economic policies were designed in part to generate budget surpluses that could pay down the deficit and save Social Security and Medicare. The deficit reduction measures turned what was then the largest deficit in U.S. history into a budget surplus. Then came the administration of President George W. Bush. "The nation took leave of its fiscal senses, and simply stopped paying for anything" - except for huge tax cuts skewed toward the rich. The key phrase to note - The 'Nation' Took Leave Of Its Fiscal Senses!

The U.S. is rapidly losing its basis for leadership, wealth, and power in the world. All Americans need to be more concerned about our future and hold our business and government leaders at all levels accountable for taking positive action to reverse the course of the past decade and putting us back on a path to a brighter future .

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