Speak like a Brit

If you don't know your apples from your pears but you want to speak English better than Queen Victoria, then you've come to the right place. On completion of the following activity, you'll be speaking the language 'til the cows come home.

Using either a shared google document or presentation, we are going to create an online dictionary with the examples of rhyming slang or any other idiomatic expressions that you find in the book. You can also have a butcher's on the web.

When you create the dictionary you have to include the expression, define it in your own words and give an example.

Here is an example to set the ball rolling:

'Til the cows come home: continuously going on, forever and ever.

  • They could be arguing 'til the cows come come. They never agree.

This activity is optional and there is no deadline. We are going to be working on it for the whole year. If you want to take part, tell the teacher so she can add you to the Google presentation and give you the link. Needless to say, participation will be taken into account.