Integrative Zoology in Human-Modified Freshwaters
I am an integrative zoologist studying the impacts of human activities on aquatic and riparian fauna. Initially centered on fish, my research now has a broader food-web perspective, including microbes, crustaceans, and medically relevant insects. By combining field work, aquaria experiments, and modelling approaches, I aim to:
analyze the effects of water and riparian habitat degradation on the structure of animal communities to identify tolerant species and predict food-web changes
develop biomarkers relevant to both ecology and veterinary science to assess the body condition and pollutant-carrying capacity of these tolerant species
apply the generated knowledge to examine the ecological benefits and risks of using Nature-Based Solutions for water treatment and habitat restoration
My goal is to promote the restoration of urban and agricultural freshwater ecosystems using efficient, secure, and sustainable methods inspired by the functioning of nature.
Current address
Dept Evolutionary Biology, Ecology, and Environmental Sciences. Faculty of Biology. Universitat de Barcelona (UB). Avda. Diagonal 643, 08028 Barcelona, Spain