Integrative Zoology in Human-Modified Freshwaters


As integrative zoologist, I study the effects of human impacts and restoration actions on animals, drawing on knowledge from physiology, ecology, and veterinary. Rivers are my primary field sites and fishes are my focal animals. However, I often examine other habitats and food-web components, such as vegetation, bacteria, microeukaryotes, and mosquitoes, to gain a better understanding of environmental and public health issues. 

In the lab, we use this holistic One Health diagnostic approach to assess not only the health of natural resources but also the ecological effects of the Nature-based Solutions used to address water scarcity and river habitat degradation. These solutions based on restoring ecosystem processes aim to sustainably protect fish populations, their associated communities, and the crucial ecosystem services they provide, including the biocontrol of disease-transmitting insects. Our holistic approach also recognizes the ongoing challenges posed by invasive species within freshwater ecosystems. 

Current address

Dept Evolutionary Biology, Ecology, and Environmental Sciences. Faculty of Biology. Universitat de Barcelona (UB). Avda. Diagonal 643, 08028 Barcelona, Spain

Email: amaceda[a]; albertomaceda[a]
