
The Integrative Zoology Lab (IZL) belongs to the Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences at the University of Barcelona (UB) and is part of the research consortium FORESTREAM led by Francesc Sabater (SGR 00530-CAT-2021). Complementing the perspectives of other FORESTREAM members, the IZL studies the effects of human impacts and restoration actions on aquatic animals and the implications for environmental and public health. This research line benefits from the expertise of other researchers at UB such as Humbert Salvadó from the SGR Group of Virus, Bacteria and Protozoa of Interest in Public Health led by Rosina Gironès. Find below the list of current and past internal lab members and click here to find some of the main collaborators below the description of our study systems. Drop me an email if you want to be part of our research adventure:


Dr Alberto Maceda-Veiga  (Coordinator of the Environmental & Public Health Impact Assessment research line)

Dr Humbert Salvadó (Coordinator of the Wastewater-Treatment Plant Performance research line)

Dr Rosa M Araujo (Professor of Microbiology)

Dr Oriol Cano-Rocabayera (Website). Postdoctoral Fellow Now at the University of Florida, USA.

Dr Adolfo de Sostoa (Honorific Professor, Retired)

Josep Escribano-Alacid. Honorary Assistant

Martina Griful. TFM Student 2023/2024

Ainhoa Peñas Jiménez. TFM Student 2023/2024

Marc Garcia Bargalló.  TFG Student 2023/2024

Mar Fauria Solé. TFG Student 2023/2024



Oriol Cano-Rocabayera. PhD 2019 (APIF-UB). Title: 'La invasió de Gambusia holbrooki en ecosistemes eutrofitzats. Dels mecanismes ecològics a la seva gestió.  Co-supervised with: Dr Adolfo de Sostoa

Nicole Colin. PhD 2017 (Becas Chile - CONYCIT). Title: 'Evaluación de los impactos antrópicos en los ríos mediterráneos: bioindicadores, biomarcadores e índices de calidad biótica'.  Co-supervised with: Dr Adolfo de Sostoa. First employment post our lab: Postdoctoral Fellow at Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción. 


Oriol Cano-Rocabayera. Ms Student 2012. University of Barcelona (UB). 

    Co-supervised with: Dr Adolfo de Sostoa.    

    First employment post our lab: PhD student in our lab (APIF Fellowship).

    Publication: Cano-Rocabayera et al. (2015). Environmental Biology of Fishes.

Lorena Cárdenas. Ms Student 2013. University of Barcelona (UB). 

    Co-supervised with: Dr Adolfo de Sostoa.

    First employment post our lab: Entrepreneur at

    Publication: Cano-Rocabayera et al. (2019). PlosOne.

Sergi Vargas-Amengual. Ms Student 2016. University of Barcelona (UB). 

    Co-supervised with: Dr Adolfo de Sostoa.

    First employment post our lab: Working in the Mosquito Control Service Baix Llobregat.

    Publication: Cano-Rocabayera et al. (2020). Hydrobiologia.

Pelayo Méndez Álvarez. Ms Student 2017. University of Ghent, Belgium.

    Co-supervised with: Dr Marta I. Sánchez.

    First employment post our lab: Looking for PhD abroad.

    Publication: In preparation

Alessandro di Peso. Ms Student 2017. University of Barcelona (UB)

    Co-supervised with: Dr Adolfo de Sostoa.

    Current position: Looking for PhD abroad.

Sergio Albacete. Ms Student 2018. University of Barcelona (UB)

    Co-supervised with: Dr Antoni Serra

    First employment post our lab: CREAF PhD with Dr J. Bosch

    Publication: Albacete et al. (2020). Forest Ecology and Management

Joana Bastardas. Ms Student 2018. University of Barcelona (UB)

    Co-supervised with: Dr Ignasi Torra

    First employment post our lab: Technician 

Arnau Matas. Ms Student 2019. University of Barcelona (UB)

    Stand-alone supervision

    First employment post our lab: Technician

Marina Muñoz. Ms Student 2019. University of Barcelona (UB)

    Stand-alone supervision

    First employment post our lab: Education

Adrià González. Ms Student 2019. University of Barcelona (UB)

    Stand-alone supervision

    First employment post our lab: Education

Mónica Salas. Ms Student 2019. University of Barcelona (UB)

    Stand-alone supervision

    First employment post our lab: Environmental Consultant in Ecuador

Yaiza Ruiz Zabalza. Ms Student 2020.  University of Barcelona (UB)

   Co-supervised with Dr Cano-Rocabayera

    Publication In preparation

Victoria Frutos Aragón. Ms Student 2020.  University of Barcelona (UB)

   Co-supervised with Dr Demetrio Raldúa (IDAEA-CSIC)

   Publication: In preparation

Arnau Tolrà. Ms Student 2020.  University of Barcelona (UB)

   Co-supervised with Dr Jordi Ruiz Olmo (Medi Ambient, Generalitat de Catalunya)

   Publication: In preparation

Adrián Pérez Sainz. Ms student 2021. University of Barcelona (UB)

    Co-supervised with Dr Oriol Cano-Rocabayera

Claudio Santibañez. Ms student 2021. University of Barcelona (UB)

   Co-supervised with Dr Humbert Salvadó

Santiago Poch. Ms student 2021. University of Girona (UdG)

   Internal tutor Dr Dani Boix and Dani Escoriza

Paz Mínguez Panadero.  Ms Student 2021/2022 . University of Barcelona (UB)

   Co-supervised with Dr Alexis Ribas (UB)

Mireia Nerín Gascon. Ms Student 2021/2022

   Co-supervised with Dr Alexis Ribas (UB)

Arnau Subías. Ms Student 2021/2022 

   Co-supervised with Dr Blanca Figuerola (ICM-CSIC)

Noelia Romero Lozano. Ms Student 2021/2022 

   Co-supervised with Dr Oriol Cano-Rocabayera.


Miriam Casal. 1 month placement to learn about metal pollution. Hosted while I was assistant researcher at UB (2012).

    Publication: Pending approval by Spanish authorities.

Kamila Mustafina. IAESTE Student 2014. Hosted during my Marie Curie Fellowship at Cardiff University.

    Acknowledgements in: Maceda-Veiga et al. (2015). Water Research.

Thomas Ruff. Professional Training Year 2016. Hosted during my Severo Ochoa Fellowship at EBD-CSIC.

    Publication: In preparation.

Sophie Le Gal. 2021. Placement to learn about physiological biomarkers, parasitology and invasive species.

Sándor Szabó. 2023. ERASMUS Professor Placement for exchanging knowledge about the use of macrophytes in water-treatment processes


Willow Smallbone. Final Year Project Student. 2013-2014. Cardiff University (UK).

    First employment post our lab: PhD student at Cardiff University.

    Publication: Smallbone et al. (2016). Environment International.

Philippa Ball. Final Year Project Student. 2014-2015. Cardiff University (UK). 

    First employment post our lab: Diagnostics Assitant at Royal Veterinary College.

    Acknowledgements in: Maceda-Veiga & Cable (2016). Bulletin of the EU Association of Fish Pathologists.

Martí Ortega. Collaborator 2012-2013. University of Barcelona (UB).

    First employment post our lab: IDIBAPS August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute.

    Publication: Maceda-Veiga et al. (2016). Biological Invasions.

Marc Uyà. Collaborator 2012-2013. University of Barcelona (UB).

    First employment post our lab: PhD student at the University of New South Wales.

    Acknowledgements in: Colin et al. (2017). Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety.

Miquel Sala. Collaborator 2012-2013. University of Barcelona (UB).

    First employment post our lab: Researcher at FEM-UB.

    Publication: Maceda-Veiga et al. (2016). Biological Invasions.

Josep Mora. Collaborator 2010-2011. University of Barcelona (UB).

    First employment post our lab: Researcher at FEM-UB.

    Publication: Colin et al. (2017). Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety.

Gerard Lanzaco. Collaborator 2012-2013. University of Barcelona (UB).

    First employment post our lab: IRTA

    Publication: Maceda-Veiga et al. (2016). Biological Invasions.

Mireia Llorente. Collaborator 2012-2014. University of Barcelona (UB).

    Publication: Colin et al. (2017). Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety.

Laura Bosch. Collaborator 2012-2013. University of Barcelona (UB).

    Acknowledgements in: Colin et al. (2017). Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety.

Núria Mulet Velasco. Final Year Project Student 2019-2020 (Internal UB tutor). Degree in Environmental Sciences

Laura Guitart. Final Year Project Student 2019-2020 (Internal UB tutor). Degree in Environmental Sciences

Martina Griful. Final Year Project student 2021/2022 co-supervised with Dr Lotta Kvarnemo (Sweeden).