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Programming is indispensable to researchers. In this section are provided some of the codes I have written.
Spatial disaggregation of a regional-scale agricultural supply economic model
As a part of my work at the French national institute for agricultural research (INRA), I have developed a set of scripts allowing the spatial disaggregation of the results of a regional-scale agricultural supply economic model (AROPAj). The scripts are written in R, C shell, PostgreSQL using PostGIS functions and other freeware products.
| Presentation |
| Video from SAGEO 2017 [🇫🇷] |
Extracting and aggregating climate data from ncdf files
Written in R and PostGIS, this code extracts climate variables from an ncdf file. The original data is available for a regular grid (8 km x 8 km) covering French territory. The aim is to aggregate the data at the scale of the administrative region for 3 possible altitude classes. The GIS information and the resulting climate values are stocked in a PostgreSQL database. PostGIS functions are used for the aggregation.
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Intersecting shapefiles via command line
This simple script is written in python and uses the python libraries from QGIS. By providing the layer names for the two shapefiles that are to be intersected, and a layer name for the output, the script calls for QGIS functions and executes the operation. This allows us to intersect shapefiles from a command line and consequently use it in other scripts (for instance, in C shell).
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