
Personal Information

Born in Sofia, Bulgaria, 3 September 1987

| Curriculum [pdf 🇫🇷 ] |


Economics teaching:

  • Environmental and resource economics

  • Microeconomics, game and contract theory

Economic Research:

    • Agent-based economic modeling

    • Econometric and statistical analysis

    • Linkage between social simulation, spatial dimension and biophysical environment

    • Capacity of writing scientific papers

Technical and Computer Competences:

  • Linux and Windows based operation systems

  • Geographical information systems (PostGIS, QGIS)

  • R

  • MS Office and LibreOffice packages

  • Basic programming skills in python, C shell and GAMS

Social and Organizational skills

    • Ability to work in an international team

    • Ability to work independently and respect of deadlines

    • Initiative and fast learning

    • Easy-going

    • Fluent in English and French; basic knowledge of Spanish


2021 - present Assistant researcher, French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE), US-ODR Department

2016 - 2021 Postdoctoral Fellow, French national institute for agricultural research (INRA), Public Economics Department

2018 Assistant Professor in International Economics. Engineering School Purpan

2014 Tutor in Environmental Economics, University of Paris 6

2012 - 2014 Tutor in Undergraduate Microeconomics and Game Theory. University of Paris 10

2011 Tutor in Microeconomics, University of Sofia


| Academic papers |

| PhD Thesis |

| Selected programs |


2012 - 2015 PhD in Economics (summa cum laude). AgroParisTech (France)

Thesis: Integrated modelization of land use in France: from the crop choice to the choice of economic sector

Advisor: Pierre-Alain JAYET

2011 - 2012 Masters degree in Environmental Economics. University of Paris Ouest Nanterre (France)

Thesis: Regulation of the diffuse nitrogen pollution from agriculture: the scale of the regulation

Advisors: Pierre-Alain JAYET and Pierre-André JOUVET

2010 - 2012 Masters degree in Energy Economics. University of Sofia (Bulgaria)

Thesis: Privatization or public property of the Bulgarian railways

Advisors: Atanas GEORGIEV and Nikolay MINKOV

2006 - 2010 Bachelor degree in Economics and Management.

Joint degree awarded by University of Lille I (France) and University of Sofia (Bulgaria)

| Curriculum [pdf 🇫🇷 ] |