Parents of Pike

Parents of our members are a valuable asset to helping our members transition to the level of Gentlemen we expect of our Brothers. We always welcome our member's families at our house and design parents events to meet the rest of our undergraduate chapter.

We strongly encourage participation in your son's college and fraternity experience. Your son's health, safety, and well being are major concerns that all parents have and we want to establish trust directly with you. Our chapter stresses that we want good men and maintain an extensive academic program to assist your son in excelling in the classroom. Our chapter had a 3.58 GPA last year which consistently exceeds the All Men's Average.

Pike has a zero tolerance for hazing and high-risk behavior. Our chapter promotes leadership, team-building and brotherhood, not physical or mental harm. Hazing is unacceptable and completely contrary to the concept of brotherhood. Our 120 year history at LSU is a testament that our alumni advisors and undergraduates hold themselves to a high standard that is ultimately a part of something your son can have for a lifetime.

We have an active Parents Group that are invited to Fall and Spring events annually. If interested in our Parents group, please contact us and we will add you our mailing list.

World War I Rededication Ceremony for Memorial Oak Grove honoring Pike Alumni William Digby Morgan
2019 Fall Bid Day
Stained Glass Crest Donated by Parents of Pike group and alumni over Homecoming weekend festivities

Parent Events

Pictured: Panamanian Ambassador Mario Jaramillo speaking at Steak & Cigar

Traditional Annual Events

Craig Broussard's Steak and Cigar

Mother - Son Homecoming Breakfast

Pi Kappa Alpha Founder's Day

Spring Crawfish Boil

Other events including LSU's Parents Weekend, game day tailgate and throughout the year.

Important Topics

Scholarship, Leadership, Athletics and Gentlemen