Super NINJAs Wanted

Next semester I am planning to offer Software Design in an experimental format where the NINJAs are primarily responsible for the operation of the class and the delivery of content. Specifically, NINJAs will:

1) Revise the labs and diagnostics on the class web page.

2) Write quizzes and exams, and grade them.

3) Check off labs and diagnostics and provide face-to-face feedback.

4) Deliver mini-lectures on selected topics, if desired.

5) Advise students about projects and evaluate their work (I will probably help with this part).

6) Do pretty much everything else involved in running a class.

This is more responsibility than NINJAs normally have, so I want to recruit a great team. Some of the things I am looking for:

1) Interest in teaching, enthusiasm for it, and potential to do it well.

2) Maturity, responsibility, and willingness to make a commitment.

3) Good command of the course material (but you don't have to be a super expert -- people taking Software Design now are good candidates).

4) Availability during class time: Tuesday and Friday 10:50 to 12:30.

5) Availability to participate in a 1 or 2 credit independent study on pedagogy. We will follow a syllabus based on the Learning Assistant program at U Colorado. Most likely we will meet Mondays from 12:30 to 1:30.

NINJAs will be paid for the time they spend teaching the class, and receive academic credit for the time they spend on the independent study.

If you are interested in applying for this position, please

1) Read about the Learning Assistant Program.

2) Fill out this form: