
Why become a Google Apps for Education Certified trainer?

The Google Apps for Education Certified trainer is a fantastic qualification for your Professional Development as an educator that once completed you will hold as an individual. In addition if three educators from your school hold the certification your school can apply to be certified as an institution. Reasons to be certified include:

  • Gain an internationally recognised certification for your Professional Development and career opportunities

  • Gain the knowledge and skills to effectively use Google Apps in your school or college

  • Perform training externally as a Google Apps for Education Certified trainer

  • Use the Google Apps EDU Certified trainer logo on your blog, website, CV and business card

  • Access to the worldwide Google Apps trainer community. There is a closed Google group for certified trainers and trainers get invited to attend Google events, assist on the Google education stand at conferences, present at Google Apps Summits etc.

  • Listing as a certified trainer in the Google online directory

  • In this workshop I present in detail a roadmap of how to prepare and execute the steps to become a Google Apps EDU Certified trainer.

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Google Apps Certification Preparation - One Day Bootcamp

What is the schedule for the days training?

Why become a Google Education Trainer?

The ‘Google Educator’ and ‘Google Education Trainer’ are two fantastic qualification for your Professional Development as an educator that once completed you will hold as an individual. In addition if three educators from your school hold the certification your school can apply to be certified as an institution. Reasons to be certified include:

    • Gain an internationally recognised certification for your Professional Development and career opportunities

    • Gain the knowledge and skills to effectively use Google Apps in your school or college

    • Perform training externally as a Google Apps for Education Certified trainer

    • Use the Google Education Trainer logo on your blog, website, CV and business card

    • Access to the worldwide Google Apps trainer community. Trainers get invited to attend Google events, assist on the Google education stand at conferences and present at Google in Education Summits

    • Listing as a certified trainer in the Google online directory

Program overview

Our one day Google Education Certification preparation course helps prepare you to complete the certification process which comprises 5 online tests and a completed application, including a case study. Our courses are fun, engaging and educational and the first and most important thing to stress is not to be scared of the tests. We show you techniques that should mean you get through all of them on the first attempt.

What is the format of the certification process and our ‘preparation training’?

Based on numerous successful engagements running the certification course with schools and colleges worldwide we have developed what we feel is the optimum process to help get candidates through the certification process quickly and successfully.

The Google Apps certification process is as follows: Firstly you will take 5 online tests and on completion of this you will be awarded the ‘Google Educator’ certification. Many people choose to stop here and on the course we go over in detail the techniques and approaches to pass the tests first time. For those who want to train in other schools the next step is to complete the ‘Google Education Trainer’ online application, which includes a case study (where you conduct a training engagement) and two videos, (which we help you record).

Our process follows the following steps:

    1. One day course. The main part of our training course is a one day face-to-face training session at your school or college. The day is fun, engaging and educational. During the day we cover:

      1. How to pass the exams: Many people worry about taking the exams but we show you that with a structured approach they are nothing to be feared.

      2. Focus on specific areas: This is the largest part of our training day and we cover the areas of Google Apps that many people have not had experience with. Many users at Google schools are familiar with Gmail and Drive, but we quickly get you up to speed on advanced topics such as; ‘Sites’ and ‘Resource Calendars’.

      3. Planning your case study: We confirm your topic and help you plan the short training project you will perform in your school as part of the application process

      4. Recording the videos: It’s required to record two videos on your computer. We record one of these during the third session and get you prepared for the second.

      5. Finally pulling all the info together to complete the application form

    2. Following the course we are available on Google+ chat to mentor you and answer any questions and help you solve any issues.

Setting expectations

In terms of the time needed to complete the certification process this will vary from individual to individual but generally for each test you can complete it in a ‘one-off’ four to five hour session comprising 1-3 hours study followed by taking the test directly afterwards. Many people take two tests at a time on a weekend day and one on an evening. We recommend for people to try to sit all 5 tests within 5 weeks of the course if practical.

Following on from the tests you then need to complete the application form including recording two 2-minute videos, one introducing yourself and one demonstrating your Google Apps knowledge. This application form can normally be completed in a half day on a weekend.

On the training day we will cover in detail both how to get through the tests and complete the application form.

Reasons to take the ‘Preparation Training’ with AppsEvents

    • Higher chance of completing the program: Of course you can work through the program themselves but the dropout rate is high. With our program and the follow up and mentoring we provide almost all the educators who start our process complete it.

    • Experience: We have run successful training session at many schools and colleges worldwide, including Southbank School London, Oak Hill College London, International School of Prague, Pechersk School Kiev, American School of Bangkok, Riverside School, British School of El Salvador, American School of Bangkok, International School of Dakar

    • Access to our Google Apps domain as an administrator. We create you as a ‘Super Administrator’ on our Google Apps for Education domain, allowing you to prepare for the Administration part of the test and spend some time actually administering a Google Apps domain

    • Networking: our sessions are great ways to make new contacts with forward thinking EdTech experts both within International Schools and beyond.

    • We also guide the users through creating the idea for their case study and topics for the 2 videos to record. We demystify and break it down to manageable tasks that ensure people see the process through.

    • Also our follow up webinars, held around a month after the workshop is really effective as a milestone to hold people accountable on their status, and it really helps encourage people to finish the process.

    • The quickest way to get your school Apps EDU certification for your institution: Running this program is the best way to get Apps EDU certification for your institution. Generally this will take a while and with our session and follow webinars encouraging a quick completion you have the best way to get your school certified.

How do I register for the training?

Go to select the course you are interested in and go to the ‘registration’ page.

What are the dates and locations for the training?

We hold the course on a regular basis together with International Schools worldwide. To check the current dates please check out .

Don't see a date or location that works for you? We would also be delighted to host a course at your school or college. This also works great for you as normally we open the event to educators from other schools in the area so it helps establish your institution as a 'Google Apps school'. We also have the option of running an extended 2-day event.

Who is the course suitable for?

    • The course is suitable for educators in both the K-12 school and Higher Education sectors

    • The course is suitable for teachers/lecturers, school/college administrators and IT Managers and staff

Where can I find more information?

Tasks to complete before the course

    • Have a quick look at the Information from Google about the certification program:

    • Complete the registation and take the exams from this link You can sign in with any Google Account and you can pay by Credit Card. If you can’t do this in advance don’t worry we will cover it together on the training day

    • Have a preliminary think about a topic relating to Google Apps that you can record an on screen demo on day two (just for 2 minutes), examples could be:

      • ‘Creating a test using Google Forms’

      • ‘How to use Gmail labs’

      • ‘Sharing a calendar’

    • (You don’t need to record this now just think of any topic relating to Google Apps you could talk about again if you have no idea we will help you choose a topic)

About AppsEvents

AppsEvents is a Google Apps for Education partner and the organiser of Google in Education Summits worldwide in partnership with Google in Education. Our staff has many years Google Apps experience and are all Google Apps Certified Deployment Specialists and Google Education Trainers. You can find more information at w