
Ongoing collaborations

P. Agard (Sorbonne Université) - K. Mendes (PhD thesis)

F. Gaillard (ISTO, Univ. Orléans) - A. Moraldell-Caselas (MSc thesis)

Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

C. Thieulot - Numerical modelling

D. van Hinsbergen - Geodynamic evolution of Turkey and the Andaman Island

D. Gürer - Geology of the Bolkardağ and exhumation of blueschist-facies rocks

E. Advokaat - Geodynamic evolution of Turkey and the Andaman Island

K. Peters - Dynamics of metamorphic sole formation (Turkey)

Sorbonne Université, Paris, France

P. Agard and A. Verlaguet (Sorbonne Université) - C. Herviou (PhD thesis)

P. Agard - Subduction processes (W. Alps, W. Turkey) and metamorphic sole formation

B. Dubacq - Trace element behaviour during metamorphism

L. Le Pourhiet - Numerical modelling of pegmatite emplacement

École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France

C. Chopin - Continental subduction processes and petrology (W. Alps, W. Turkey)

University of Lausanne

L. Räss and Y. Podladchikov - Numerical modelling of pegmatite emplacement

BRGM-Université d'Orléans, Orléans, France

A. Lahfid

S. Delchini

Mathieu Soret - Dynamics of metamorphic sole formation (Oman) and other stuff...

and many others... P. Yamato, S. Guillot, S. Angiboust, A. Pourteau, A. Okay, H. Whitechurch, M. Maffione...