2017 Zürich

ALCHEMY Workshop 2017

Held in conjunction with the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2017)

Zürich, Switzerland, 12-14 June 2017

The International Conference on Computational Science is an annual conference that brings together

researchers and scientists from mathematics and computer science as basic computing disciplines,

researchers from various application areas who are pioneering computational methods in sciences such as

physics, chemistry, life sciences, and engineering, as well as in arts and humanitarian fields, to discuss

problems and solutions in the area, to identify new issues, and to shape future directions for research.


A multi-level optimization strategy to improve the performance of the stencil computation

Gauthier Sornet, Fabrice Dupros and Sylvain Jubertie

Towards Protected MPSoC Communication for Information Protection against a Malicious NoC

Johanna Sepulveda, Andreas Zankl, Daniel Florez and Georg Sigl

A Distributed Shared Memory Model and C++ Templated Meta-Programming Interface for the Epiphany RISC Array Processor

David Richie, James Ross and Jamie Infantolino

An OpenMP backend for the Sigma-C streaming language

Stephane Louise

Call for papers

As the future aims toward increasing parallelism and heterogeneity of

systems to tackle the so-called power-wall while permitting a roadmap

of increased performance, several challenges rise for programming such

systems. The ALCHEMY workshop goal is to show some of these relevant

challenges and finding ways to tackle them, while permitting programmers

to focus on important part of application designs and letting compilers

or runtime optimization do most of the work toward good performance.

The ALCHEMY workshop is the Many-core track of ICCS. It is also a good

place of exchange between the traditional HPC domain of research and

all the emerging HPES (High Performance Embedded Systems) domain, since

the programming issues are mostly the same, with a relatively high

cost of communication and the difficulty to program hundreds of cores

often under performance and power usage constraints.

Original high quality submission are encouraged on all topics related to

many-core programming issues including (but not limited to):


Topics include, but are not limited to:

* Programming models and languages for many-cores

* Compilers for programming languages

* Runtime generation for parallel programming on manycores

* Architecture support for massive parallelism management

* Enhanced communications for CMP/manycores

* Shared memory, data consistency models and protocols

* New operating systems, or dedicated OS

* Security, crypto systems for manycores

* User feedback on existing manycore architectures

(experiments with Adapteva Epiphany, Intel Phi, Kalray MPPA, ST

STHorm, Tilera Gx, TSAR..etc)

* Many-core integration within HPC systems (micro-servers)

Important dates

Submission deadline : February 15, 2017


The manuscripts of up to 10 pages, written in English and formatted according to the EasyChair templates,should be submitted electronically. Papers must be based on unpublished original work and must be submittedto ICCS only. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper.The accepted papers for full-length paper will be published alongside with the ICCS proceedings in Procedia Computer Science.Microsoft Word template, docx format

LaTeX template

Please use the ICCS submission system hosted by EasyChair and select the

Architecture, Languages, Compilation and Hardware support for Emerging ManYcore systems track.

During submission, you may select either a “Full Paper” or a “Abstract Only” publication. By default, it would be

an oral presentation. If you prefer to present a poster, please check the “Poster Presentation” option in the submission page.

General Chair


Stéphane LOUISE, CEA, LIST, France

Program Chair

Jeronimo CASTRILLON, CFAED / TU Dresden, Germany

Vania MARANGOZOVA-MARTIN, Université Joseph-Fourier Grenoble, France

Martha Johanna SEPULVEDA FLORES, Institute for Security in Information Technology, TU Munich, Germany

Program Committee

Jeronimo CASTRILLON, CFAED / TU Dresden, Germany

Camille COTI, Université de Paris-Nord, France


Diana GÖHRINGER, Ruhr Universitaet Bochum, Germany

Sven KAROL, Baselabs GmbH, Germany

Vianney LAPOTRE, Université de Bretagne-Sud, France

Stéphane LOUISE, CEA, LIST, France

Vania MARANGOZOVA-MARTIN, Université Joseph-Fourier Grenoble, France

Marco MATTAVELLI, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

Emil MATUS, TU Dresden, Germany

Eric PETIT, Intel, France

Erwan PIRIOU, CEA, LIST, France

Antoniu POP, University of Manchester, UK

Jason RIEDY, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Martha Johanna SEPULVEDA FLORES, Institute for Security in Information Technology, TU Munich, Germany


Previous edition: 2016 (San Diego), 2015 (Reykjavik), 2014 (Cairns) and 2013 (Barcelona)