
male well being

health of men - bradford

male health - mens health forum

mens health bbc

mens health forum

mens health - nhs

female well being

womens health - bbc

women's healh - NHS choices

maintaining well being

colour: as a mood monitor1, as wellbeing tool2

happiness: big think video, hard-wired happiness video5 happiness formula, solution, video3

the happiness show - research and education

longevity, blue zones, on you tube, see attachment,

the long now foundation

the science of happiness

seeking well being

five ways to well being

1. Luscher Colour Test <on-Line> Available at http://www.colorquiz.com/quiz.php, one of a number of sites from a (Google Search) claiming to be based upon Max Luscher's Colour Theories

2. Edwin Babbit (Searches Google.com , .uk , but no wikipedia Entry!), Principles of Colour and Light at Googlebooks,

3. Chopra, Deepak (2010) The Happiness Solution. <on-line> http://www.oprah.com/spirit/Deepak-Chopra-Explains-the-Happiness-Solution-Video Last Accessed 2010-02-19.

4. Ben-Shahar, T. (2009) Five Ways to Become Happier Today <on-line> http://bigthink.com/ideas/16660 lst accessed 2010-02-19

5. Srikumar Rao: Plug into your hard-wired happiness <on-line> TED.com best of the web http://www.ted.com/talks/srikumar_rao_plug_into_your_hard_wired_happiness.html last accessed 2010-03-08

6. NEF (2008) Five Ways to Well Being. Report for the National Economic Foundations. Written by: Jody Aked, Nic Marks, Corrina Cordon, Sam Thompson http://www.neweconomics.org/sites/neweconomics.org/files/Five_Ways_to_Well-being_Evidence_1.pdf last accessed 2011-05-29