Granted projects

2022-2023: “Optimizing Carsharing and Ridesharing Mobility in Smart Sustainable Cities”. Ajuntament de Barcelona – La Caixa (21S09355-001). Lead researcher: Angel A. Juan. (A.Ferrer, collaborator)

2021-2022: “Development of Simulation-Optimization Solutions in a Real-Life Food Supply Chain”. Spindox. Lead researcher: Angel A. Juan. (A.Ferrer, collaborator)

2021-2022: “Decision-Making: Metodologia integral i circular per la presa de decisions comercials”. Generalitat de Catalunya – Dept. d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació ( Lead researchers: Xavier Domènech / Angel A. Juan. (A.Ferrer, collaborator)

2020-2023: “Efficient & Sustainable Transport Systems in Smart Cities: Internet of Things, Transport Analytics, and Agile Algorithms”. Spanish Ministry of Science (PID2019-111100RB-C21/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033). Lead researchers: Angel A. Juan / Fatos Xhafa. (A.Ferrer, collaborator)

2015-2018: Fundamentals, methods and applications of continuous optimization. MEC, MTM2014-59179-C02-01, Granted by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity.Grant: 118.338€. (Universitat d'Alacant, Universitat d'Elx, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).

2015-2016: “SMART-TRANS – Smart Cooperation in Transportation & Logistics. Department of Universities, Research & Information Society of the Catalan Government. XI-CTP (2014 CTP-00001). Main researcher: Dr. Angel A. Juan. Subvention: 5.000 euros.

2014-2016: Exploring and exploiting structures in nonsmooth and global optimization problems. Australian Research Council (ID: DP140103213). Project Leader: A/Prof. Adil Bagirov, Federation University Australia. Grant 270.000 AUD.

2011-2014: “HAROSA@IB: Red Iberoamericana de Algoritmos, Software Libre y Computación Distribuida para la resolución de problemas de Routing, Scheduling y Disponibilidad de Sistemas”. CYTED2010-511RT0419. Main researcher: Dr. Angel A. Juan. Subvention: 100,000 euros.

2011-2014 (prorrogat fins el febrer 2015): Variational optimization: structure and duality. MEC, MTM2011-29064-C03-01, Granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Researchers: 5. Grant: 42800 €. (Universitat d'Alacant Universitat d'Elx, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).

2010-2011: “Network VERTEVALLEE – Development of Hybrid Methods and Algorithms with Environmental Criteria in the Sustainable Management of Transportation at the Pyrenees”. Department of Universities, Research & Information Society of the Catalan Government. 2009 CTP 00007. Main researcher: Dr. Angel A. Juan. Subvention: 6,000 euros.

2008-2011: Short and medium-term multimarket optimal electricity generation planning with risk and environmental constraints. MEC, DPI 2008-02153: Granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Researchers: 4. Grant: 130.000 €. (UPC, UNION-FENOSA S.A., GAS NATURAL).

2008-2011: Models of convex analysis, tame optimization and applications. MEC, MTM 2008-06695-C03-03, Granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Researchers: 5. Grant: 52.000 €. (Universitat d'Alacant Universitat d'Elx, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).

2007-2008: e-Learning de las Matemáticas en las universidades españolas: tendencias, tecnologías emergentes y adaptación al EEES. MEC. Granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Researchers:15. Grant:16.200 €. (UOC, UPC, …., up to 15 spanish universities)

2005-2008: Short and long term electricity generation planning in a liberalized market including bilaterals contracts. MCYT, DPI 2005-09117-C02-01. Granted by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology. Researchers: 4. Grant: 71.000 €. (UPC, UNION-FENOSA S.A., VIESGO-ENEL S.A.).

2002-2005: Short and long-term hydrothermal coordination of electricity generation in a market. MCYT, DPI 2002-03330. Granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Researchers: 4. Grant:68.000 €. (UPC, UNION-FENOSA S.A., VIESGO-ENEL S.A.).

2000-2002: Planning large-scale hydrothermal production of electricity in a competitive environment. CICYT, TAP1999-1075-C02-01. Granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Researchers: 5. Grant:12.900.000 pts. (UPC, ENDESA, HIBERDROLA S.A., UNION-FENOSA S.A.).

1996-1999: Short-term optimum planning of large-scale hydrothermal power production. CICYT, TAP96-1044-J0293. Granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Researchers: 9. Grant: 9.480.000 pts. (UPC, HIBERDROLA S.A., FECSA, ELECT. DE VIESGO S.A.)