Congress contributions
2019, A. Estrada, A. Ferrer, A. A. Juan, A. Bagirov, 30th European Conference on Operational Research-EURO 2019, Dublin, Ireland, June 23-26. A Biased-Randomized Algorithm for the Capacitated Facility Location Problem with Soft Constraints. Invited presentation. (Abstract in proceedings)
2018, J.J. Mesas, A. Ferrer, L. Saiz, 29th European Conference on Operational Research-EURO 2016, Valencia, Spain, July 8-11. Obtaining deep local minima of smooth functions by using local optimization with global multidimensional search, Invited presentation. (Abstract in proceedings)
2016, A. Ferrer, J.J. Mesas, L. Saiz, 28th European Conference on Operational Research-EURO 2016, Poznan, Poland, July 3-6. The MFS method: a subdivision scheme for obtaining all the global optimal solution of continuous optimization problems. Invited presentation. (Abstract in proceedings)
2015, L. Calvet, A. Ferrer, A. A. Juan, I. Gomes, 27th European Conference on Operational Research-EURO 2015, Glasgow, Scotland, July 12-15. Market Segmentation Issues in the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem. Invited presentation. (Abstract in proceedings)
2015, A. Ferrer, M.A. Goberna, M. Teodorov, E. Gonzalez-Gutierrez, 13th EUROPT Workshop on advances in continuous optimization, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 8-10. A comparative study of relaxation algorithms for the linear semi-infinite feasibility problem . Invited presentation. (Abstract in proceedings)
2014, A. Ferrer, A.A. Juan, S. Gonzalez, H. Ramalhino, 20th Conference of IFORS, Barcelona, Spain, July 13-18. Solving non-smooth flow-shop problems with failure-risk penalties using a biased randomized iterated local search. Invited presentation. (Abstract in proceedings)
2014, A. Ferrer, E. Miranda, 12th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continouos Optimization, Perpingan, France, July 10-12. Random test problems with known minimum for convex semi-infinite programming problems. Invited presentation. (Abstract in proceedings)
2013, A. Ferrer, ICSO-HAROSA International Workshop on Simulation-Optimization for Logistics & Production, UOC-Tibidabo, Barcelona, Spain. November 21-22. RPSALG algorithm for convex semi-infinite programming. Invited presentation. (Abstract in proceedings)
2013, A. Ferrer, Angel A. Juan, S. Gonzalez, Helena R. Lourenço, Randomized algorithms for solving routing problems with non-smooth objective functions. 26th European Conference on Operational Research-EURO 2013, Roma University, Roma, Italia, July 1-4. Invited presentation. (Abstract in proceedings)
2012, A. Ferrer, Angel A. Juan, Helena R. Lourenço, Iterative Local Search Algorithm for solving non-smooth flow-shop problems. 25th European Conference on Operational Research-EURO 2012, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, July 8-11. Invited presentation. (Abstract in proceedings)
2012, Angel A. Juan, A. Ferrer, J. Faulin, H. Ramalhino, Solving non-smooth problems through biased randomization of heuristics. European Conference on Operational Research-EURO 2012, Vilnius University, Vilnius (Lithuania), July 8-11. Invited presentation. (Abstract in proceedings)
2012, A. Ferrer, Angel A. Juan, H. Ramalhino, IN3-HAROSA International Workshop on Systems Optimizaton and Internet Computing, IN3-UOC, Barcelona, Spain. June 13-15. Combining Iterated Local Search and Biased Randomization for solving non-smooth flow-shop problems. Invited presentation. (Abstract in proceedings)
2011, A. Ferrer, CYTED-HAROSA International Workshop on Applied optimization and Distributed Computing, IN3-UOC, Barcelona, Spain. July 18-19. A global optimization algorithm for solving quasiconvex Location Programming Problems. Invited presentation. (Abstract in proceedings)
2010, A. Ferrer, Conference on Numerical Optimization and Applications in Engineering (NUMOPEN-2010), CRM, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain. October 13-15. Using multi-start randomized heuristics to solve non-smooth and non-convex optimization problems. Invited presentation. (Abstract in proceedings)
2010, A. Ferrer, Using extended cutting angle and penalty methods for solving semi-infinite programming problems. 24th European Conference on Operational Research-EURO 2010, Lisbon, Portugal. July 11-14. Invited presentation. (Abstract in proceedings and electronic CD).
2009, 21st European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, España. Using discrete-event simulation to design reliable and cost-efficient civil-engineering structures, 261-266, ISSN/ISBN: 978-84-692-5414-1.
2009, Ninth IASTED European Conference, Power and Energy Systems, Palma de Mallorca, España. Estimation of single-phase uncontrolled rectifier parameters, 57-61, ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-88986-807-6.
2009, Ninth IASTED European Conference, Power and Energy Systems, Palma de Mallorca, Espanya. Deterministic and experimental study on three-phase pulse rectifiers, 62-66, ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-88986-807-6.
2009, EURO XXIII conference in Bonn, Germany, July 5-9. An efficient algorithm for solving d.c. programs based on the cutting angle method (extended abstract on electronic CD).
2009, I Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Edificación, Madrid, España. Discrete event simulation and fuzzy sets in structural reliability and availability in building construction (extended abstract, extended abstract on electronic CD).
2009, IEEE Second International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG'2009), Lisbon, Portugal. Discharge Lamp Harmonic Interaction Study by Monte Carlo Simulation and Experimental Measurements, 303-308, ISSN/ISBN: 978-1-4244-2291-3.
2009, IEEE Second International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG'2009), Lisbon, Portugal. Deterministic and Stochastic Study of the Three-Phase Non-linear Load Behavior, 297-302, ISSN/ISBN: 978-1-4244-2291-3.
2009. WINTER SIMULATION CONFERENCE (WSC 2009 ), Applications of discrete-event simulation to reliability and availability assessment in civil engineering structures, Vol. 1-4, pp. 2629-2637.
2008, 13th ASIM Conference on Simulation in Production and Logistics, Berlin, Germany. A simulation-based algorithm to predict time-dependent structural reliability, 555-564, ISSN/ISBN: 978-3-8167-7798-4.
2008, Eighth IASTED Internacional Conference. Power and energy systems, Corfu, Greece. Deterministic and experimental study on three-phase pulse rectifiers, 608:44-49, ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-88986-733-8.
2008, 23rd IFIP TC 7 Conference on system modelling and optimization, Cracow, Poland. Joint solution to the long-term power generation planning and maintenance scheduling, 408-409, ISSN/ISBN: 978-83-88309-0.
2007, Jornada d'innovació docent a la UPC, Barcelona, España. aCTeX, an e-learning software. Teaching and learning experiences (català), (extended abstract, extended abstract on electronic CD).
2006, International Congress of Mathematics 2006 (ICM 2006), Madrid, Espanya. Teaching applied statistics at UPC: integrating lectures, statistical software and e-learning (ext. abstract, ext. abstract on electronic CD).
2006, EURO XXI conference in Iceland, July 2-5. Bounded lower subdifferientiability optimization techniques. Applications (ext. abstract on electronic CD).
2005, 6th International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and applications (ICOTA6), Ballarat, Australia. Improving a D.C. representation of a polynomial function (ext. abstract on electronic CD), ISSN/ISBN: 978-83-88309-0.
2004, 3r Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovación , Girona, España. A telematic tool for autolearning learning (ext. Abstract en las Actas del Congreso).
2002, 7th International Symposium on Generalized Convexity and Generalized Monotonicity, Hanoi, Vietnam. Applaying global optimization to a problem in short-term hydrothermal scheduling, 263-285, ISSN/ISBN: 978-83-88309-0.
2002, I Jornada de reflexión sobre la docencia y la investigación en la Universidad, Barcelona, España. Aprendizaje vía la realización de "Proyectos Integrados", 59-64, ISSN/ISBN: 84-699-81262-5.
1999, 6th International Symposium of Generalized Convexity/Monotonicity, Samos, Greece. Decomposition of a polynomial function as a difference of convex polynomials, with an application, 189-207, ISSN/ISBN: 3-540-41806-7.
1998, XXXIV Congreso nacional de estadística e investigación operativa, Almeria, España. A global optimization neighbourhood for D.C. fuctions, (ext. Abstract en las Actas del Congreso).
1995, Jornadas sobre nuevas tecnologías en la enseñanza de las matemáticas en la universidad (TEMU-95), Barcelona, España. Propuesta de aprendizaje dinámico vía calculadores simbólicos, 123-132, ISSN/ISBN: 84-7653-485-X.