02 Ketchikan

ALASKA CABINS in EXCEL 2012 Jan 29 Ketchikan

Click for codes in spreadsheet: Codes used on site


Ketchikan is not a great city to resupply because of the lack of public dock space on the city side. For most float planes coming up the coast the customs point will be Ketchikan. If you do not need fuel or supplies customs will direct you to a dock on the city side. The airport dock has lots of public space and 4 ramps for overnight moorage.

You can use the ferry from the airport to get to town which leaves about every 15 minutes. There is a grocery store near the ferry dock and a Fred Meyer near downtown.

Aero fuel 907 247 5701 Fuel service at dock near airport.

Cape Fox Inn 907 225 8001 Hotel I have used, good but expensive.

TaQuan Air 907 225 8800 If you want to charter a plane to get to a cabin this is the company you want.

Ketchikan Flight Service 907-225-9481 If you are from the lower 48 you may not be used to Flight Service controlling the airspace from the tower. Ketchikan is not a Class D airport but is fully controlled from the tower by Flight Service. When going into Ketchikan for the first time contact Flight Service and tell them you are not familiar with the area and they will guide you in then go up to the tower and get a serious briefing. They also have several handout that are helpful. Get the Orange Airport directory book called the "Supplement Alaska". It does not cover everything but it is a good start. The 2014 version of the book does not cover the East and West traffic flows, atis will tell you which is enforce, check with FSS ten miles out to make sure you understand what is required.