Madison Area Al-Anon

Dane and Green Counties, Wisconsin

 Are you troubled by someone else's drinking?

If you are concerned about someone else's drinking, then perhaps Al-Anon is for you. Browse this web site for information about the Al-Anon program and see the list of meetings above. No registration, just come to any meeting.  In Al-Anon there is hope.  



Fall Convention is Coming Up! 

Join us for the 2024 Area 61 (Wisconsin + Upper Pennisula) Al-Anon/Alateen Convention: Tools of Recovery!

Learn more and register here:

To the Potential Newcomer

Your inquiry is confidential and anonymous. If you are concerned about someone else’s drinking, we encourage you to browse our web site for information about our program. 

"Alcoholism is the very sad thing that brought me into Al-Anon, and strangely has been the bearer of the most gracious gifts." - Anonymous   

"Having been in Al-Anon for nearly two years, the program has settled my heart, quieted my mind, and allowed me to feel real love." - Anonymous 

Reprinted with the permission of The Forum, Al-Anon Family Group Hdqts., Inc., Virginia Beach, VA

Local Contact Information

24/7 Helpline: 608-258-0314


Al-Anon District 8 Mailbox

P.O. BOX 14332

Madison, WI 53708-0332

Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.

1600 Corporate Landing Parkway

Virginia Beach, VA  23454-5617

Telephone:  (757) 563-1600

Fax:  (757) 563-1655

