The Songs

More about the songs in the Best

the Best

So much of the Best we send overseas. But the countryside is still here.

Yesterday’s Cars

Gave us the chance to fly the coop, head into town with the boys and join the real world. We could only afford old bangers. Which was the idea.

Huiarangi Homebrew

Town was an hour away and beer expensive so we made our own. Out there on the Huiarangi Road we made a good brew.

The Man

Everybody knows one. The man that epitomises the farmer. Your father, your uncle, the bloke we all thought we might be. But he’s The Man. He was my uncle.

Allie’s Song

A lot of young people head off overseas to see the world and come back to a familiar scene that they don’t recognise and their place in it is uncertain. Allie accompanied one such bloke home.

Magpie’s Song

Hearing the magpie reminds me of growing up in the country. Songs always take you back.


Used to be the only jacket worth having and they took a hiding in their stride. The coat of a country bloke.

Summer Dance

Settler’s dance, deerstalker’s dance – we all had them in those country halls. All you needed was a piano and a bar – or later a band.

Part of Life

Growing up - important things at the time but when you look back you wonder if anyone remembers. Like ripples in a pond, they disappear in the weeds at the edge.

Road of Gold

It’s not who you think you are but where you think you are going. Without purpose you achieve nothing. Sometimes others send you where they want but you are still your own man if you have a dream.

The Joker

Life depends on the cards you are dealt. The joker fills in for the missing cards. The Joker is anyone you want to be.