Market Research
Market Research Reports,
Where and How to Find These? - A pathfinder
WHAT IS THIS: This pathfinder will help lead you to look for information (public domains, and best practices, etc. ) for a cle
arer understanding of the business of market research, as perceived by Information Professionals.
If you are looking for a fee-based model click here [Don't waste your time, rather save the time of the seeker]
For a quick outlook on details of "How to Do Corporate Research Online, By Philip Mattera click here
For a quick outlook on the inner dimensions of market research click here
For 'How to Research Your Market' or to start your own business as an entrepreneur click here
A Literature Review
What's market research? Is it that woman with a clipboard in the mall, asking whether you prefer the blue package or the red one? Is it a focus group where some guy pays you $50 for your candid reaction to various scenarios and trial balloons? Is it warranty card you fill out when you buy an electric toothbrush, or the questionnaire you have to wade through when you register for a gated site on the Web?
Why do market research? Market research is a good first step in a competitive intelligence effort, helping identify the key and and emerging players that you need to keep an eye on.
Most of the market research information that you find online is based on indepth studies conducted by corporations, consultants, trade associations, investment analysts, and (dhuh!) companies that specialize in producing market research studies. [Researching Online for Dummies, 2nd edition, by Reva Basch and Mary Ellen Bates (Foster City, CA, IDG Books, 2000).
"Market research
- Market research has a broad scope and includes all aspects of the business environment. It asks questions about competitors, market structure, government regulations, economic trends, technological advances, and numerous other factors that make up the business environment. (See Environmental scanning.) Sometimes the term refers more particularly to the financial analysis of companies, industries, or sectors. In this case, financial analysts usually carry out the research and provide the results to investment advisors and potential investors.... Market research, organized use of sample surveys, polls, focus groups, and other techniques to study market characteristics (e.g., ages and incomes of consumers; consumer attitudes) and improve the efficiency of sales and distribution. Development of new products, opening of new markets, measurement of advertising effectiveness, and knowledge of business competitors are among its basic aims. Developed in the United States in the early 20th cent., the field expanded rapidly after World War II, spreading to Europe and Japan. Source
Traditional Online Vendors that libraries access1
- Dialog Dialog
- DataStar DataStar Web
- LexisNexis
- Dow Jones Interactive Dow Jones
- Profound Dialog Sign On
Market Research Publishers1
- Datamonitor
- Euromonitor
- Freedonia Group
- Frost & Sullivan
- Kalorama Information LLC
- Keynote
- Market & Business Development Ltd.
- Packaged Facts
- PRS Group
- Specialists in Business Information (SBI)
- Verdict Research
- Veronis Suhler
1.Finding Market Research on the Web: Best Practices of Professional Researchers - 2nd Edition,
see also:
Web Databases1
- Commercial Intelligence Mall
- MarkIntel
- MindBranch
- Northern Light
- AllNet Research
Other Indexes / Resources2
Business Periodical Index
Wall Street Journal Index
Ward's Business Directory of U.S. Private and Pubilc Companies
Standard & Poor's Register of Corporations, Directors, & Executives
Thomas Register of American Manufacturers
Million Dollar Directory
Stock Reports
Everybody's Business
U. S. Industrial Outlook
2. J A McDaniel's Training Paraprofessionals for Reference Service, (New York, Neal-Schuman,1993): 123-127]
"You can often find free information in press releases and other areas of market research company Web sites. Most companies specialize in one or several related areas, though some generalize. Some can be very snooty, restricting even the most basic information to their "clients" only. ['Market Research Sources' in Business Statistics on the Web: Find Them Fast at Little or No Cost, by Paula Berinstein (Medford, NJ., CyberAge Books, 2003): 135-139]
Market Research Companies:
- Market research information suppliers,By Bobby Pickering 18 Jul 2006 Information World Review
- Market Research Industry Analysis
- Datamonitor - The home of business intelligence
- The Economist Intelligence Unit
- Forrester Research- Technology research and advice
- Ipsos Canada
- International Marketing Research Companies
- Market Research and the Internet
- Investigating Private Companies ... an Internet Research Article
- Market Intelligence Seminar on DialogWeb, Profound, and ...
- Market Research Information at
- Marketing Research Proposal - Market-Research-Portal.COM
Web Directories:
- Finding competitive intelligence on Internet start-up companies: a study of secondary resource use and information-seeking processes, Sanda Erdelez and Nicole Ware, Information Research, Vol. 7 No. 1, October 2001,
- Business and Investment links
- Find Business people, including CEOs, and other executives
- Monitor coverage – Frequently asked questions, Bowdens Media Monitoring Limited
- Business Intelligence Online Resources
- The Canadian B2B research sourcebook, your essential guide / compiled by Maggie Weaver, Ottawa : Canadian Library Association, c2001.
- The Confidential Resource
- How to find market research online, by Robert I Berkman FIND/SVP Publishing (1996)
- Introduction to the concept of gathering Information
- Law Library Benchmarks 2003 Edition. Market Research Report, Published By: Primary Research Group. [Law Library Benchmarks presents detailed data for academic, law firm, corporate law office, courthouse, federal and other legal libraries concering their use of emerging electronic information resources and their strategy for exploiting and purchasing these resources. The report includes chapters on databases, legal web sites, CD-ROM, new and used legal books, electronic and print journals, electronic and print directories, site licenses, legal info web sites, and much much more. The report examines the attitude of law firms, law schools and government bodies towards the future of their legal libraries, and looks at the level of virtual and physical user traffic in law libraries. The report presents data for government, law firm and law school law libraries and also breaks out data on a per partner basis. 80 law libraries participated including many from major law firms and law schools.] see also
- Libraries & Information Centers Market Research Reports.Libraries in Australia Product Type: Market Research Report, Published by IBISWorld Published on October 2004 [The IBISWorld Libraries in Australia report is an in depth study containing statistics, trends, forecasts and competitor information. This class consists of units mainly engaged in acquiring, collecting, organising, conserving and loaning library materials such as books, magazines, manuscripts, musical scores, maps or prints. It includes the library activities of local government authorities]
- Market Research and Internet Marketing Research
- Marcia J. Bates. Bates' Bibliography of Works on Information Seeking, Indexing, and Information Retrieval System Design. 2000.
- Mary Ellen Bates - Interview with Annabel Colley, FreePint, 2003
- Business Research Sources: A Reference Navigator, by F. Patrick Butler, 1999
- Introduction to Company Research Strategies, Search Techniques...
- Investment Resources
- Marketing future libraries
- Marketing the One-Person Library to Clients & Management, Maggie Weaver
- Need-to-Know Marketing Sites from Web Digest For Marketers
- Public Library Users and Uses by Choong Han Kim, Scarecrow Press; A Market Research Handbook edition, 1990. [This in-depth analysis of some 8,000 users sampled at a number of public libraries offers explanations and insights into the ways people use libraries in their local communities. This is an important book because it is a start in applying market segmentation to library users. --LIBRARY JOURNAL]
- Researching a Company
- The Survey of Academic and Special Libraries Published by: Primary Research Group, Published: Jun. 27, 2000 - 200 Pages.
- The Survey of Academic Libraries, 2002 Edition
- Management Library - Top Business Databases
- Unearthing Market Research: Get Ready for a Bumpy Ride by Susan M. Klopper,
- Web Resources - Business: Blume Library Company Research Tutorial
- Where can I find stock prices?
Marktet Research in LIS Curriculum
The goals and tasks of market research. The book market in Poland and abroad: international comparisons of publishing output and book sales volume. The investigation of the book market in Poland: the Book and Reading Institute, the Public Opinion Research and Programme Studies Centre at the Polish Radio and Television, the Central Statistical Office (and other institutions). Research problems, methods and results.
Institute of Information and Library Science, University of Wrocław
Market Research Databases: Course Pages, MIT
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Thursday, October 26, 2012