Research Presentations

I have presetated my research at more than 65 annual meetings of several academic associations in the information systems and health care disciplines including INFORMS, AcademyHealth, Academy of Management, Association of Information Systems, American Public Health Association, as well as niche conferences such as Conference on Health IT and Analytics, Workshop on Economics of Information Security. Additionally, I have given invited talks at 13 universities.

Invited Presentations at Peer-Reviewed Conferences:

[ *: student collaborator; †: Dissertation/Thesis students; §: myself as senior author and responsible for study design, manuscript/ abstract writing, and revision support]

  1. Appari A., Johnson M.E. (2020). “Effects of EHR Use and Information Security Controls on Time-Sensitive Emergency Care Process Quality at US Hospitals.” AcademyHealth, Annual Research Meeting, June 13-16, Boston, MA [Conference cancelled due to COVID-19 but proceedings was published].

  2. Appari A., Chaudhry, MT.† (2020). “Quality Outcomes Comparison of Robotic Cholecystectomy Versus Laparoscopic and Open Cholecystectomy in US Hospitals: A National Study from 2010 to 2015.” AcademyHealth, Annual Research Meeting, June 13-16, Boston, MA [Conference cancelled due to COVID-19 but proceedings will be published].

  3. Appari A., Johnson ME. (2019). “Effect Of EHR Use And Information Security Controls On Time-sensitive Emergency Care Process Quality At Us Hospitals." Conference on Health IT and Analytics, Nov 15-16, Washington, DC.

  4. Appari A., Johnson ME. (2019). “Effect Of EHR Use And Information Security Controls On Time-sensitive Emergency Care Process Quality At Us Hospitals." INFORMS Annual Meeting, Oct 20-23, Seattle, WA.

  5. Appari A. (2019). “Association Of Information Technology Use And Provider Characteristics With Opioid Prescribing Rates In The United States." INFORMS Annual Meeting, Oct 20-23, Seattle, WA.

  6. Appari A. (2019). “Association of EHR Use and Opioid Prescribing Rates Among Providers in the United States.” INFORMS Healthcare, July 27-29, Boston, MA.

  7. Appari A., Ukhanova, M.† (2019). “Polypharmacy Risk for Adults Patients with Different Combinations of Multiple Chronic Condition Patterns.” INFORMS Healthcare, July 27-29, Boston, MA.

  8. Appari A. (2019). “Sluggishness of Nursing Facilities in Resolving Payment Denial Related Noncompliance: Implications of Institutional, Upper Echelon and Market Factors.” AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, June 2-4, Washington, DC.

  9. Appari A., Gabriel M.H. (2019). “Information Technology Enabled Patient-Provider Engagement: Assessing Socioeconomic Differences Among American Adults with Chronic Conditions.” AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, June 2-4, Washington, DC.

  10. Gabriel M.H., Atkins D., Appari A., Maresca M., Courtelyou-Ward K., Rotarius T., Pereira V. (2019). "Examining the Relationship between Innovative Payment Models and Hospital Readmission Rates." AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, June 2-4, Washington, DC.

  11. Atkins D., Gabriel MH., Maresca M., Talton M., Weiss E., Appari A. (2019). "Hospital's Use of Electronic Clinical Data from EHRs: Are Hospitals Flying Blind?" AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, June 2-4, Washington, DC.

  12. Gabriel MH., Atkins D., Maresca M., Cortelyou-Ward K., Rotarius T., Pereira V., Appari A. (2019). “Examining the Relationship between Innovative Payment Models and Hospital Readmission Rates.” International Health Economics Association (iHEA) World Conference, Jul 13-17, Basel, Switzerland.

  13. Gabriel MH., Atkins D., Appari A., Maresca M., Cortelyou-Ward K., Rotarius T., Pereira V. (2019). “Examining the Relationship between Innovative Payment Models and Hospital Readmission Rates.” Florida Undergraduate Research Conference, University of North Florida. Feb 22-23, Jacksonville, FL.

  14. Ding X., Appari A. (2018). “EHR Meaningful Use and Organizational Performance: Moderating Effects of Patient Safety Culture in US Hospitals.” DSI Annual Meeting, Nov 17-19, Chicago, IL.

  15. Chaudhry MT, Appari A., Lairson DR, Rowan P, Woods M, Aworunse O. (2018). “Time Trend Analysis of Robotic Cholecystectomy Diffusion in US Hospitals Using National Inpatient Samples, 2010-2015.” American Public Health Association- Annual Meeting and Exposition, Nov 10-14, San Diego, CA.

  16. Chaudhry MT†, Appari A., Lairson DR, Rowan P, Woods M, Aworunse O. (2018). “Comparison of Clinical Outcomes amongst Cholecystectomy Types in US Hospitals from 2010 – 2015.” American Public Health Association- Annual Meeting and Exposition, Nov 10-14, San Diego, CA.

  17. Appari A., Gabriel, MH. (2018). “Socioeconomic Determinants of Health Information Technology Enabled Patient-Provider Engagement Among Patients with Multimorbidity.” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nov 4-7, Phoenix, AZ

  18. Wang, Z., Appari A. (2018). “How Philanthropic Are They? The Impact of Directors’ Professional Background on the Performance of Nonprofit Private Hospitals.” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nov 4-7, Phoenix, AZ

  19. Ukhanova M†, Appari A. (2018). “Polypharmacy and Care Coordination Intensity among Working-age American Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions.” Conference on Health IT and Analytics, Oct 19-20, Washington, DC.

  20. Appari A., Gabriel, MH. (2018). “Socioeconomic Differences in EHR Enabled Patient-Provider Engagement among American Adults with/without Multimorbidity Burden.” HINTS Data User Conference, Sept 13-14, Bethesda, MD

  21. Appari A., Ding X. (2018). “EHR Meaningful Use and Organizational Performance: Moderating Effects of Patient Safety Culture in US Hospitals.” Academy of Management - Health Care Management Division's Research Incubator Professional Development Workshop, Aug 10-13, Chicago, IL.

  22. Ukhanova M†, Appari A. (2018). “Effects of Continuity of Care and Physician-Specialty Mix on Polypharmacy Risk among Working-Age Adults with Multiple Chronic Condition Patterns.” AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, June 24-26, Seattle, WA.

  23. Ukhanova M†, Appari A. (2018).“Polypharmacy Risk among Working-Age Adults with Combinations of Multiple Chronic Condition Patterns.” AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, June 24-26, Seattle, WA.

  24. Rafeek YA*, Appari A. (2018).“Information Technology Use By Individuals with Multiple Chronic Conditions for Provider Engagement: Insights from 2016-National Health Interview Survey.” AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, June 24-26, Seattle, WA.

  25. Appari A., Ding X. (2018).“EHR Meaningful Use and Organizational Performance: Moderating Effects of Patient Safety Culture in US Hospitals.” Organization Theory in Healthcare Association Conference, June 4-6, Baltimore, MD

  26. Appari A. (2017). “Resolving Payment Denial Issues by Nursing Facilities: Role of Upper Echelon, Institutional & Market Factors.” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Oct 22-25, Houston, TX.

  27. Ukhanova M†, Appari A§, Morgan RO. (2017). “Multiple Chronic Condition Patterns In Baby Boomers, Generation-X and Early Millennials.” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Oct 22-25, Houston, TX.

  28. Appari, A. (2017). Sluggishness of Nursing Facilities in Resolving Payment Denial Related Noncompliance: Implications of Institutional, Upper Echelon and Market Factors. Organization Theory in Health Care Association Meeting, June 14-16, Berkeley, CA.

  29. Ukhanova M†, Appari A§, Morgan RO. (2017). “Multiple Chronic Condition Patterns among Baby Boomers, Generation-X and Early Millennials.” APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition [Accepted but Not Presented due to budgetary constraint/ Withdrawn].

  30. Ding X, Aparasu R, Appari, A. (2016). Meaningful Use Of Health Information Technology And Process Quality Of Care At Hospitals: A Patient Safety Culture Perspective” INFORMS Annual Conference, Nov13-16, Nashville, TN.

  31. Appari A. (2016). “Resolution of Payment Denials for Harmful Quality Problems: A Cross-sectional Analysis of US Nursing Homes, June2009-May2015.” AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, June26-28, Boston, MA.

  32. Ukhanova M†, Appari A§, Morgan RO. (2016). “Healthcare Spending and Care Coordination among Commercially Insured Working-aged Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions, 2008-2013.” The 144th American Public Health Association- Annual Meeting and Exposition, Oct 29-Nov 02, Denver, CO.

  33. Appari A., Johnson ME. (2016). “Outpatient Imaging Overuse, Meaningful EHR Use and Hospital System Membership: Results for US Hospitals 2011-2013.” AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, June26-28, Boston, MA.

  34. Attipoe-Dorcoo S*, Appari A. (2016). “Variations in Self-Perceived Health Status among Americans with Multiple Chronic Conditions.” AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, June26-28, Boston, MA.

  35. Ezeagu R†, Appari A. (2016). “Nursing Homes and Resolution of Payment Denials: A Cross-sectional Analysis of US Nursing Homes.” AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, June26-28, Boston, MA.

  36. Appari A. (2015). “Spending and Readmissions for Multiple Chronic Conditions in Vulnerable Populations: Results from County–level Panel DataAnalysis.” The 143rd American Public Health Association- Annual Meeting and Exposition, Oct 31-Nov 04, Chicago, IL.

  37. Appari A. (2015). “Healthcare Utilization for Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions in Deprived Communities.” INFORMS Healthcare Conference July 29–31, Nashville, TN.

  38. Putney D†, Alvarez P, Donahue K, Appari A, Pratt C, Estep J. 2015. “Higher Use of Potentially Harmful Drugs during Primary Heart Failure Hospitalizations: An Analysis from the University Health System Consortium Database.” AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, June 14–16, Minneapolis MN.

  39. Appari A. (2015). “Hospital Acquired Infections and EHR Meaningful Use: Insights From National Sample of US Hospitals 2012–2013.” Baylor College of Medicine Annual Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Conf., May 14, Houston, TX.

  40. Alvarez P, Putney D†, Donahue K, Appari, A, Pratt C, Estep J. 2015. “In–Hospital Use of Potentially Harmful Drugs in Heart Failure: Impact on Length of Stay and Mortality.” Journal of the American College of Cardiology 65 (10_S). 2015 American College of cardiology Conference, March 14-16, San Diego CA. [Citation Count=1].

  41. Appari A. (2014). “Outcome Quality in Home Health: Role of Organizational and Market Factors,” The 142nd American Public Health Association- Annual Meeting and Exposition, Nov 15-19, New Orleans, LA.

  42. Appari A, Revere FL, (2014) “Medication adherence among privately insured: Does out-of-pocket cost burden and where they live matter?” American Public Health Association- Annual Meeting and Exposition, Nov 15-19, New Orleans, LA.

  43. Appari A. (2014). “Meaningful Use of Health IT and Emergency Department Performance on Wait Time and Length of Visit,” AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting June 7-10, San Diego, CA; and Health Information Technology Special Interest Group Meeting, June 6, San Diego, CA.

  44. Abbass I*, Appari A, Revere FL, Jordan M. (2014) “Medication Adherence among Commercially Insured Individuals: Role of Cost Sharing and Access Factors,” AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting June 7-10, San Diego, CA.

  45. Abbass I*, Appari A, Revere FL, Jordan M. (2013) “Does Cost Sharing and Price Sensitivity Adversely Affect Medication Adherence?” The 1st International Conference on Healthcare Leadership, Houston, Texas October 23rd 2013.

  46. Appari A, Johnson ME, Anthony DL. (2013) “Do Hospitals with Advanced Health IT Have Lower Imaging Overuse? Results From A National Analysis of U.S. Hospitals,” Fourth Workshop on Health IT and Economics, Nov. 15–16, Washington DC.

  47. Appari A. (2013) “Organizational Structure, Market Factors, and Outcomes Quality in Home Health Care: A Longitudinal Study,” AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting June 23-25; and Long Term Care Interest Group Meeting June 22, Baltimore, MD.

  48. Appari A, Johnson ME, Anthony DL. (2013) “Health Information Technology and Hospital Performance on Imaging-use Measures,” AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting June 23-25; and Health Information Technology Interest Group Meeting June 22, Baltimore, MD [received Best Abstract Award from the HIT Interest Group].

  49. Appari A, Johnson ME, Anthony DL. (2012) “Health Information Technology and Hospital Patient Safety Performance - A Cross-sectional Study of US Acute Care Hospitals,” Third Workshop on Health IT and Economics, Oct 5–6, Washington DC.

  50. Appari A, Johnson ME, Anthony DL. (2012) “Meaningful Use of EHR Systems and Patient Safety: A National Study of US Hospitals,” Academy of ManagementHealthcare Management Professional Development Workshop, Boston.

  51. Appari A, Johnson ME, Anthony DL. (2012) “Hospital EHR Capability, Patient Safety Technologies and Performance on Patient Safety Measures: A Meaningful Use Perspective,” AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Orlando, FL.

  52. Appari A, Johnson ME, Anthony DL. (2012) “EHR Meaningful Use Capability and Process Quality: Evidence from a Panel Analysis of U.S. Acute-Care Hospitals,” AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Orlando, FL.

  53. Appari A, Anthony DL, and Johnson ME. (2011) “Medication Administration Quality and Health Information Technology: A National Study of US Hospitals,” Second Workshop on Health IT and Economics, Washington DC.

  54. Appari A, Carian EK, Anthony DL, and Johnson ME. (2011) “Medication Quality and Health Information Technology,” AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, WA.

  55. Appari A, Johnson ME, Anthony DL. (2011) “Meaningful Use of EHR Systems and Hospital Quality,” 13th Annual Healthcare Organizational Research Association Conference, Seattle, WA.

  56. Appari A, Anthony DL, and Johnson ME. (2010) “Impact of Health Information Technology Portfolio on Hospital Quality: A National Study of U.S. Acute Care Facilities", AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA.

  57. Anthony DL, Appari A, and Johnson ME. (2010) “Institutional and Market Forces in Organizational Change: HIPAA Compliance in Acute Care Hospitals,” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

  58. Anthony DL, Appari A, and Johnson ME. (2010) “Institutional and Market Forces in Organizational Change: HIPAA Compliance in Acute Care Hospitals,” A Poster Presentation at the Production and Operations Management Annual Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

  59. Appari A, Johnson ME, and Anthony DL. (2009) “The Neo-Institutional View of HIPAA Compliance in Home Health Care,” Workshop on Information Security and Privacy, Phoenix, AZ.

  60. Appari A, Johnson ME, and Anthony DL. (2009) “HIPAA Compliance in Home Health: A Neo-Institutional Theoretic Perspective,” Proceedings of Security and Privacy in Medical and Home-Care SystemsAn ACM Workshop, Chicago, IL.

  61. Appari A, Anthony DL, and Johnson ME. (2009) “HIPAA Compliance: An institutional Theory Perspective,” Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Francisco, CA.

  62. Appari A, Anthony, D., and Johnson ME. (2009) “HIPAA Compliance: An Examination of Institutional and Market Forces,” Workshop on Economics of Information Security, London, UK.

  63. Appari A, Anthony DL, and Johnson ME. (2008) “Which Hospitals are Complying with HIPAA: An Empirical Investigation of US Hospitals,” Workshop on Information Security and Privacy, Paris, France.

  64. Appari A, Anthony DL, and Johnson ME. (2008) “Information Security Investments in the Healthcare Sector: An Exploratory Study,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

  65. Benaroch M, and Appari A. (2008) “Pricing IT Investment Risks Involving Customer Adoption Benchmarks,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

  66. Appari A, and Benaroch M. (2006) “A Formal Model and Methodology for Measuring IT Investment Risks,” Academy of Management Annual meeting, Atlanta, GA.

  67. Appari A, and Benaroch M. (2006) “Pricing the Risks of IT Investments: A Multifactor Approach,” Journal of Information Systems-New Scholars Research Workshop, Scottsdale, AZ.

  68. Appari A, and Benaroch M. (2005) “A Viable Approach for Measuring the Risk-Return Relationship of IT Investments,” Proc. of 11th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Omaha, NE.

Invited Talks at Universities:

  1. “Social Determinants of Health and Health Care Delivery for People with Multiple Chronic Conditions.” Teaching and Research Innovation Exchange, Foisie Business School, Worcester Polytechnic Institute. 02/2019.

  2. “Is EHR meaningful use associated with hospital-acquired infections? Results from a national sample of US hospitals,” UTHealth School of Biomedical Informatics.10/2015.

  3. “Medication Adherence and Chronic Diseases Related Multimorbidity,” MPACH Faculty Brown Bag Series, UTHealth School of Public Health, Houston. 10/2013.

  4. “Meaningful Use of EHR Systems and Process Quality of Care: Evidence from a Panel Data Analysis of US Acute-Care Hospitals,” College of Public Health, University of Oklahoma. 11/ 2012.

  5. “Meaningful Use of EHR Systems and Process Quality of Care: Evidence from a Panel Data Analysis of US Acute-Care Hospitals,” UTHealth School of Public Health, Houston. 10/ 2012.

  6. “Meaningful Use of EHR Systems and Process Quality of Care: Evidence from a Panel Data Analysis of US Acute-Care Hospitals,” New Jersey Institute of Technology. 02/2012.

  7. “Meaningful Use of EHR Systems and Process Quality of Care: Evidence from a Panel Data Analysis of US Acute-Care Hospitals,” School of Public Health, George Washington University. 01/2012.

  8. “Medication Administration Quality and Health Information Technology Use,” School of Informatics, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis. 03/2011.

  9. “Meaningful Use of EHR and Hospital Quality,” Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. 12/2010.

  10. “Information Security in Healthcare: Current State of Research and Future Directions,” School of Business, University of Akron. 06/2008.

  11. “A Multifactor Risk-Cost Premium Model for Pricing Software Development Risks,” School of Business, George Mason University. 02/2008.

  12. “A Multifactor Risk-Cost Premium Model for Pricing Software Development Risks,” University of Massachusetts at Boston. 02/2008.

  13. “A Multifactor Risk-Cost Premium Model for Pricing Software Development Risks,” University of Alabama at Birmingham. 04/2007.