

So You Want To Do A PhD?

From a usenet newsgroup in the 1990s...

> A friend of mine wants to get her PhD in Computer Science,
> specializing in the Machine Learning aspect of Artificial
> Intelligence. She has been in the library and collected a list
> of the likely schools, but the list is too long for her to
> apply to all the schools on it. Accordingly, she asked me if I
> would ask the net for suggestions. If you wanted to study
> machine learning, where would you go and why?

I believe that the procedure of evaluating a SCHOOL is onlycsuitable when the undergraduate education is being considered. For a graduate student, especially a PhD candidate, the first step to prove his or her scientific maturity is to identify the area of his/her OWN interest. Myself, I am expecting a PhD student to come with a reasonable degree of aggression and violence to prove that:

Would anything less do? On a practical note I advise her to do the following:

Sorry for the basic stuff. It's just that I've seen so many PhDs who would be far happier if they were insurance agents... If only someone would explain the basic facts of scientific life to them beforehand...

Nahum Goldmann

One can meet a person like this... articulate, but a poor communicator...

For Arthwait could not speak with becoming unintelligibility; to knot a sentence up properly it has to be thought out carefully, and revised. New phrases have to be put in; sudden changes of subject must be introduced; verbs must be shifted to unsuspected localities; short words must be excised with ruthless hand; archaisms must be sprinkled like sugar-plums upon the concoction; the fatal human tendency to say things straightforwardly must be detected and defeated by adroit reversals; and, if a glimmer of meaning yet remain under close scrutiny, it must be removed by replacing all the principal verbs by paraphrases in some dead language.

This is not to be achieved in a moment; it is not enough to write disconnected nonsense; it must be possible for anyone acquainted with the tortuosities of the author's mind to resolve the sentence into its elements, and reproduce -- not the meaning, for there is none, but the same mental fog from which he was originally suffering. An illustration is appended. 

Pneumaticals                                   Omnient

(spirits)                                               (all)

Tabernacular                                  Subinfractically

(dwelling)                                          (Below)

Homotopic                                     hermeneutical

 (this)                                                (magic)

Ru-volvolimperipunct,                    suprorientalize,

 (circle)                                              (arise)

factote                                    kinematodrastically,

 (move)                                             (soon)

overplus                                     phenomenize!

 (and)                                              (appear)

from the novel Moon Child by A. Crowley... allegedly as a comment on the writing style of real life Arthur Edward Waite...