
Publications and Writings

Published Articles:

Note that publications are generally submitted with authors in alphabetical order.

S. Au, C. Leckie, A. Parhar and G. Wong., Efficient Visualization of Large Routing Topologies. Int. Journal of Network Management, Vol. 14, 2004, pp. 105-118.

D. Chan, K. Chua, C. Leckie and A. Parhar., Visualisation of Power-Law Network Topologies. Proc. 11th IEEE Int. Conf. on Networks (ICON 2003), Sydney, Australia, 28 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2003, pp. 69-74.

Mercouroff, N. & Parhar, A., TINA Computational Modelling Concepts and Object Definition Language, Proc. ISN '97, Como, Italy, 1997. [via publisher]

Parhar, A. & Handegard, T., Object Grouping: Patterns in Chaos, Proc. TINA '96, Heidelberg, Germany, 1996.

Telstra, RFP for Interactive Broadband Systems Pilot Project, Telstra RFP No. 3491, Telstra/Corporate Supply, November 1995.

Keck, B., Kitson, B., Leask, S., Lewis, I., Parhar, A., Richardson, P. & Wheeler, G., PLATyPus - Road Testing and Tuning TINA, Proc. TINA '95, Melbourne, Australia, 1995.

Parhar, A. & Rumsewicz, M., A Preliminary Investigation of Performance Issues Associated with Freephone Service in a TINA Consistent Network, Proc. TINA'95, Melbourne, Australia, 1995.

Khosla, R., Dillon, T.S. & Parhar, A., Synthesis of a Knowledge Based Methodology and Psychology for Recruitment and Training of Salespeople. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Selected Papers of 18th German Annual Conference in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, September 1994.

Kitson, B., Lewis, I., Parhar, A. & Speirs-Bridge, A, PLATyPus - Experimenting with TINA, IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol 31, No. 12, Dec. 1994. [via publisher]

Khosla, R., Dillon, T.S. & Parhar, A., A Knowledge Based Approach for Recruiting Salespeople. Proc. Sixth Artificial Intelligence Technology Transfer Conference in Industry and Business. Monterey, Mexico, Sept 1993, pp83-89.

Leask, S.A., Parhar, A.S., Richardson, P.J., Kitson, B., Beitz, A.E., Fazzalore, M. & Milosevic, Z., Distributed System Environments Survey. Research Labs Report No. 8235, Telecom Australia, Feb. 1993.

Kitson, B., Leask, S., Parhar, A. & Richardson, P., PLATyPus - A TINA Prototyping Testbed, Proc. TINA'93, L'Aquila, Italy, 1993.

Khosla, R., Dillon, T.S. & Parhar, A. An Intelligent Assistant for Improving Sales/Customer Service Performance. Proc. IEEE Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Customer Service and Support. San Jose, CA, July 1992

Parhar, A., Dillon, T.S. Latest Developments in Financial Expert Systems - Prospects and Applications for Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of Financial Expert Systems Conference, Sydney, Australia, June 1989

Parhar, A., Dillon, T.S., Representing Uncertain Concepts in Frames. Proc. 3rd AAAI Workshop On Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Seattle, USA, September 1987

Parhar, A., Dillon, T.S., A Methodology for Representing Uncertainty in Frames. Proceedings 1st Australian Artificial Intelligence Congress, Melb. Aust., November 1986

Parhar, A., Dillon, T.S. Natural Language Understanding. LINK, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 1986

Standards Related:

Parhar, A. (ed), TINA Object Definition Language Manual, version 2.3, Stream Deliverable, Doc. No. TR_NM.002_2.3_96, TINA Consortium, Redbank, NJ, July 1996. (used as the basis of as ITU standard: ITU Object Definition Language, Z.130, ITU-T, Jan 1998.)

PhD Thesis:

Parhar, A., A Robust Representation of Natural Kinds for Intelligent Knowledge Based Systems (doctoral thesis), La Trobe University, Melbourne Australia, 1992.

Unpublished Manuscripts:

Parhar, A., Jiang, J., Findlow, G. & Zhou, M., Automated Product and Service Domain Question Answering, 2006, (unpublished manuscript).


Ontologies on the Semantic Web by Cathy Legg