
Wednesday 17th April

Sadly, this year the Computational Creativity Symposium is only running as a half-day event. Please consider attending the parallel symposium (Language Learning for Artificial Agents) during the afternoon.

08:30-09:00 - Registration and Coffee

09:00-10:00 - KEYNOTE: Jeremy Gow - Video Games: (Still) The Future of Computational Creativity

10:00-10:30 - Rene Morgensen - Human-machine improvisation: an analytical approach to human-computer co-creativity in improvised music

10:30-11:00 - Coffee

11:00-11:30 - Juan Alvarado - Creative Systems Framework, Empirical Criteria and Engagement and Reflection: A unified framework

11:30-12:00 - Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira - On the Impact of the Grammar and the Semantic Network in a Versatile Poetry Generator

12:00-12:30 - Maximilian Droog-Hayes - A Creative, Cognitively Inspired Approach to Text Summarization

12:30-13:00- Parallel Symposia

13:00-14:00 - Lunch

14:15-16:00 - Parallel Symposia

16:00-17:00 - KEYNOTE: Becky Inkster

17:30 - Transport to Eden Project for Convention Dinner

19:00-22:00 - Gala Dinner at Eden Project