First Time Visitors

Want to try Aikido? Our recommendation: come and attend class. Don’t worry if you have no experience. We were all beginners once.

Here are some simple tips for your first visit.

What to Bring

  • Workout clothes (white dogi if you have one).

  • Sandals or slippers for off the mat.

  • Water or sports drink for rehydration.

When to Come

  • Anytime! All classes are open. Please contact AGM in advance if planning to attend.

  • Try to come at least 15 minutes before class to receive a tour, fill out paperwork, change and chat with members.

  • Running late? No problem. Enter quietly and someone will step off the mat to greet you.

What to Do

  • Watching: Feel free to train, but simply observing is okay.

  • Preparing: After changing, remove all jewelry (rings, earrings, etc.)

  • Bowing: In Aikido, everything begins and ends with a bow (stepping on/off the mat, starting/ending class, etc.). Follow as best you can.

  • Training: The instructor will demonstrate; just try to copy (your partner will help).

  • Talking: Talking (even laughing) during class is fine. But be mindful of volume and don’t distract from training. Also refrain from talking when the instructor is demonstrating.

  • Questions: Never be afraid to ask them.


  • When all else fails, imitate (After all, when in Rome…)

  • Mistakes are good. Be patient. If you knew it already, you wouldn’t be here.

  • Breathe, relax and have fun.