3) The Math Module

The math module contains the kinds of mathematical functions you would typically find on your calculator and some mathematical constants like pi and e. As we noted above, when we import math, we create a reference to a module object that contains these elements.

Here are some items from the math module in action. If you want more information, you can check out the Math Module Python Documentation.

Notice another difference between this module and our use of turtle. In turtle we create objects (either Turtle or Screen) and call methods on those objects. Remember that a turtle is a data object (recall alex and tess). We need to create one in order to use it. When we sayalex = turtle.Turtle(), we are calling the constructor for the Turtle class which returns a single turtle object.

Mathematical functions do not need to be constructed. They simply perform a task. They are all housed together in a module called math. Once we have imported the math module, anything defined there can be used in our program. Notice that we always use the name of the module followed by a dot followed by the specific item from the module (math.sqrt). You can think of this as lastname.firstname where the lastname is the module family and the firstname is the individual entry in the module.

If you have not done so already, take a look at the documentation for the math module.