
Published Articles

Maeng, Ahreum, Hyungseok Lee, and Yuri Miyamoto (2022),Culture and Trait Inferences from Facial Cues,” Culture and Brain, 10, 24–37.

Maeng, Ahreum and Pankaj Aggarwal (2022), “The Face of Political Beliefs: Why Gender Matters for Electability,” Journal of Association for Consumer Research, 7 (3), 360-370.

Maeng, Ahreum and Pankaj Aggarwal (2018), "Facing Dominance: Anthropomorphism and the Effect of Product Face Ratios on Consumer Preferences," Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 44, No. 5, 1104-1122.

Maeng, Ahreum and Pankaj Aggarwal (2017), “Gaining Power through Dominant Looking Products: The Influence of Social Inequality on Consumption Behavior,” in Perspectives on Indian Consumer Behavior, Durairaj Maheswaran and Thomas Puliyel (Eds.), Oxford University Press.

O’Guinn, Thomas, Robin Tanner, and Ahreum Maeng (Equal Authorship) (2015), “Turning to Space: Social Density, Social Class and the Value of Things in Stores,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 41, No. 7, 169-213.

Maeng, Ahreum and Pankaj Aggarwal (2015), “Dominant Designs: The Effect of Product Face-Ratio on Consumer Preferences,” in Rajeev Batra, Diann Brei, and Colleen Seifert ed. Psychology of Design: Creating Consumer Desire¸ M.E. Sharpe. Inc.

Maeng, Ahreum, Robin Tanner, and Dilip Soman (Equal Authorship) (2013) “Conservative When Crowded: Crowding and Consumer Choices,” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 50, No. 6, 739-752.

Maeng, Ahreum and Robin Tanner (2013), “Construing in a Crowd: The Effects of Social Crowding on Mental Construal,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 1084-1088.

Tanner, Robin and Ahreum Maeng (2012) "A Tiger and a President: Imperceptible Celebrity Facial Cues Influence Trust andPreference," Journal of Consumer Research 39, no. 4: 769-783.

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