Kharkiv Quantum Seminar: 2023 October 3, 17:00 (EEST)

How to Derive a New Theory and Decoherence-Free Entropic Gravity: Model and Experimental Tests

Denys Bondar, Tulane University

We will provide an answer to the question: “What kind of observations and assumptions are minimally needed to formulate a physical model?” Our answer to this question leads to the new systematic approach of Operational Dynamical Modeling (ODM), which allows deducing equations of motions from time evolution of observables. Using ODM, we are not only able to re-derive well-known physical theories (such as the Schrödinger and Newton equations), but also solve open problems in quantum nonequilibrium statistical dynamics and formulate new theory of entropic gravity that has been experimentally tested.

Erik Verlinde's theory of entropic gravity, postulating that gravity is not a fundamental force but rather emerges thermodynamically, has garnered much attention as a possible resolution to the quantum gravity problem. Some have ruled this theory out on grounds that entropic forces are by nature noisy and entropic gravity would therefore display far more decoherence than is observed in ultra-cold neutron experiments. We address this criticism by modeling linear gravity acting on small objects as an open quantum system. We show that the proposed master equation is fully compatible with the qBounce experiment for ultra-cold neutrons. In addition, comparing our mode of entropic gravity to the Diosi-Penrose model for gravity induced decoherence indicates that the two theories are incompatible.