Dr. Andrii Sotnikov

leading researcher at NSC KIPT, Kharkiv, Ukraine 

professor (part time) at V.N. Karazin National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Research team (NRFU project), Kharkiv, July 2024.


July 10 invited talk at the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv.

July 3 National Science Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU) announced the results of expertise of grant proposals for the Call "Excellent Science in UIkraine". Our project "Novel theoretical approaches for the in-depth description of correlated quantum many-body systems" is among the winners and recommended for funding in 2024-2026.

July 2 invited lecture at the seminar in memory of P.I. Fomin "Quantum field theory and cosmology", NSC KIPT (online), in Ukrainian.

June 19 successful public defense of BSc theses by Mykola Luhanko and Oleksandr Povitchan at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine.

June 3-7 participation of the research group in the IV International Conference Condensed Matter & Low Temperature Physics 2024.

May 21 successful public defense of MSc thesis by Illia Lukin at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine.

May 6 Spectral gaps of two- and three-dimensional many-body quantum systems in the thermodynamic limit is published in Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023128 (2024).

May 3 new preprint: Single-layer tensor network approach for three-dimensional quantum systems [arXiv:2405.01489].

Apr 25-26 Participation in the Scientific event in Lviv dedicated to the World Quantum Day with the invited lecture “A need for quantum computing for strongly-correlated many-body systems”, scientific program.

Apr 17 Corner transfer matrix renormalization group approach in the zoo of Archimedean lattices is published in Phys. Rev. E 109, 045305 (2024).

Mar 8 new preprint: Anisotropy-driven magnetic phase transitions in SU(4)-symmetric Fermi gas in three-dimensional optical lattices [arXiv:2403.04319]

Mar 6 the "Kharkiv team" (Illia Lukin, Mykola Luhanko and Oleksandr Borysenko) from Karazin University and NSC KIPT got the 1st prize in the challenge "A Matter of Taste" at the QHack 2024.

Feb 23 new preprint: Quantum education in the frontier city of Kharkiv [arXiv:2402.14302]

Feb 13 beginning of the teaching course "Statistical Physics 2024"

Jan 26 new preprint: Spectral Gaps of 2D and 3D Many-body Quantum Systems in the Thermodynamic Limit [arXiv:2401.14368]

Jan 17 new preprint: Corner transfer matrix renormalization group approach in the zoo of Archimedean lattices [arXiv:2401.07274]


Oct 27 invited talk "Developments in analysis of long-range interacting systems with tensor-network approaches" at the seminar of the Natalia Chepiga's group, TU Deft.

Sep 27 together with Sergey N. Shevchenko announced series of Kharkiv Quantum Seminar [main KQS website].

Sep 7 the course Thermodynamics (lectures and tutorials) started at V.N. Karazin National University.

Aug 28-31 organization and participation in the US-Ukraine Quantum Forum.

Aug 08 invited talk at the PCS IBS seminar, Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, Daejeon, South Korea [video of the talk].

July 19 new preprint:  Unconventional superfluidity and quantum geometry of topological bosons [arXiv:2307.08748].

June 17 Many-body correlations in one-dimensional optical lattices with alkaline-earth(-like) atoms is published in Sci. Rep. 13, 9857 (2023).

June 5-9 participation of the research group in the III International Conference Condensed Matter & Low Temperature Physics 2023.

May 31 Announcement of the US-Ukraine Quantum Forum, which will be held online in August 2023.

May 25 invited talk at the ISQI seminar, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan, Poland.

May 18 successful public defense of the MSc theses by Valeriia and Elvira Bilokon, V.N. Karazin University Kharkiv, Ukraine. 

Feb 22 new preprint:  Many-body correlations in one-dimensional optical lattices with alkaline-earth(-like) atoms [arXiv:2302.10854].

Feb 21 Variational optimization of tensor-network states with the honeycomb-lattice corner transfer matrix is published in Phys. Rev. B 107, 054424 (2023).

Feb 14 beginning of the new course Statistical Physics (lectures and tutorials) at V.N. Karazin National University.

Jan 9 the book: Theory of exotic states in quantum Fermi and Bose systems is published in Naukova Dumka, Kyiv [publisher's webpage, pdf].


Dec 9 contributed talk at the Symposium on physics of soft matter, ICMP, Lviv.

Oct 20 Continuous matrix-product states in inhomogeneous systems with long-range interactions is published in Phys. Rev. B 106, 144206 (2022).

Sep 9 new preprint:  Variational optimization of tensor-network states with the honeycomb-lattice corner transfer matrix [arXiv:2209.03428].

Sep 1 beginning of the course Thermodynamics (lectures and tutorials) at V.N. Karazin National University.

Aug 8 new preprint:  Continuous matrix-product states in inhomogeneous systems with long-range interactions [arXiv:2208.02872].

Jul 27-28 contributed talk at the workshop Quantum Research and Education in Europe and in Ukraine (QREdU 2022) [video of the talk].

Jul 5-22 participation of the research group in the ICAP 2022 summer school and conference.

May 31 Many-body localization in a quantum gas with long-range interactions and linear external potential is published in Phys. Rev. B 105, 184307 (2022).

Mar 30 - May 5 the email address <...@kipt.kharkov.ua> was temporarily unavailable.

Mar 28 the teaching course is resumed.

Mar 10-16, 24-25, 28-29 the email address <...@kipt.kharkov.ua> was temporarily unavailable.

Feb 24 the teaching course is paused due to the war. Stand with us. Glory to Ukraine!

Feb 8 beginning of the new course Statistical Physics (lectures and tutorials) at V.N. Karazin National University.

Feb 1 new preprint: Many-body localization in a quantum gas with long-range interaction and linear external potential, https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.13090.



Dec 3 SU(4)-symmetric Hubbard model at quarter filling: Insights from the dynamical mean-field approach is published in Phys. Rev. B 104, 245106 (2021)

Dec 3 Thermodynamic characteristics of ideal quantum gases in harmonic potentials within exact and semiclassical approaches is published in Physica A 589 (2022), 126605.

Nov 4 invited talk "Quantum many-particle systems and spin-wave approaches" on the seminar dedicated 110-anniverasry of A.I. Akhiezer, NSC KIPT.

Oct 23 invited talk "Prospects of ultracold alkaline-earth atoms in optical lattices for quantum simulations" at the Symposium on Spintronics and Quantum Information, October 21-23, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland.

Oct 8 new preprint: Thermodynamic characteristics of ideal quantum gases in harmonic potentials within exact and semiclassical approaches, https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.03359.

Sep 16 Aspects of Bose-Einstein condensation in a charged boson system over the dielectric surface is published in Phys. Lett. A 417 (2021) 127695.

Sep 1 beginning of the new course Thermodynamics (lectures and tutorials) at V.N. Karazin National University

Jul 26 new preprint: SU(4)-symmetric Hubbard model at quarter filling: insights from the dynamical mean-field approach, https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.11219.

Jun 28 -  Jul 2 participation in the European Conference Physics of Magnetism 2021, Poznań, Poland.

Jun 22-24 participation in the 3rd Annual International Quantum Information Science Workshop.

Jun 14 Valeriia and Elvira Bilokon have successfully defended their Bachelor of Science theses at V.N. Karazin National University

Jun 6-12 presentations by students on the II International Advanced Study Conference “Condensed Matter and Low Temperature Physics”, Kharkiv, Ukraine

May 14 Vladyslav Unukovych has successfully defended his MSc thesis at V.N. Karazin National University.

Apr 1 leading staff scientist position at NSC KIPT.

Feb 9 beginning of the new course Statistical Physics (lectures and tutorials) at V.N. Karazin National University.

Jan 29 Thermodynamics of a weakly interacting Bose gas above the transition temperature is published in Phys. Scr. 96 (2021) 045401.


30 Dec 2020 laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology 2020.

24 Nov 2020 Low-temperature phases in two-orbital Hubbard model realized with ultracold atoms in optical lattices is published in Acta Phys. Pol. A 138, 669 (2020).

20 Nov 2020 new preprint: Aspects of Bose-Einstein condensation in a charged boson system over the dielectric surface, https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.10032

12 Nov 2020 new preprint: Thermodynamics of a weakly interacting Bose gas above the transition temperature, https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.05628

6 Nov 2020 grant agreement with the National Research Fund of Ukraine for the first stage of the research project (11-12/2020) is finally signed.

15 Oct 2020 invited lecture talk (video conference regime) at the XX Workshop and Award for young researchers, ICMP, Lviv, Ukraine. YouTube

11 Sep 2020 invited lecture talk for MS students , Kharkiv National University, Ukraine, invited by Prof. V. Khodusov.

21 July 2020 public defense of a Dr.Sci. thesis "First-principle and mean-field theoretical approaches to the description of near-critical phenomena in quantum gases".

26 June 2020 Damping of spinful excitons in LaCoO3 by thermal fluctuations: Theory and experiment is published in Phys. Rev. B 101, 245162 (2020).

2 June 2020 Ferromagnetism of LaCoO3 films is published in SciPost Phys. 8, 082 (2020).

19 May 2020 Orbital ordering of ultracold alkaline-earth atoms in optical lattices is published in Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023188 (2020).

14 Apr 2020 invited talk (video conference regime) on the seminar at ILTP, Kharkiv.

2 Apr 2020 new preprint: Ferromagnetism of LaCoO3 films, arXiv:2004.00488.

27 Feb 2020 new preprint: Orbital ordering of ultracold alkaline-earth atoms in optical lattices, arXiv:2002.11333.

2019 and earlier

6 Dec 2019 new preprint: Melting of excitonic dispersion in LaCoO3: theory and experiment, arXiv:1912.02564.

12-16 Nov 2019 scientific visit to Masaryk University in Brno, Czechia, seminar talk "Ferromagneism of LaCoO3 and orbital ordering of cold atoms in optical lattices", invited by Dr. Dominique Geffroy.

4-5 July 2019 participation in the conference "Statistical Physics 2019: Modern Trends and Applications", Lviv, Ukraine

3-9 June 2019 participation in the conference "Low Temperature Physics", ILTPE, Kharkiv, awarded for the best presentation in the session "Theory of Condensed Matter Physics"

13 May 2019 "Pressure-induced spin-state ordering in Sr2CoO3F " is published in Phys. Rev. B 99 205118 (2019)

28 Feb 2019 the postdoc period (since Dec 2015) in the group of Prof. Kuneš has finished.

19-21 Feb 2019 scientific visit to Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland; invited by Dr. Agnieszka Cichy

19 Feb 2019 new preprint: Pressure-induced spin-state ordering in Sr2CoO3F [arXiv:1902.06509]

27 Dec 2018 "The Hubbard model: from strong correlations to quantum simulations", invited talk on the physics seminar, ITLPE, Kharkiv, Ukraine; invited by Prof. Shevchenko and Prof. Gnatchenko

28 Sep 2018 "Re-examining the quadratic approximation in theory of a weakly interacting Bose gas with condensate: the role of nonlocal interaction potentials" is published in J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 205302 (2018)

31 Jul 2018 "Excitonic dispersion of the intermediate-spin state in LaCoO3 revealed by resonant inelastic X-ray scattering" is published in  Phys. Rev. B 98, 035149 (2018)

29 Jun 2018 "Suppression and revival of long-range ferromagnetic order in the multiorbital Fermi-Hubbard model" is published in Phys. Rev. B 97, 235157 (2018)

11-14 Jun 2018 scientific visit to Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland; invited by Dr. Agnieszka Cichy

28 Mar 2018 invited talk on the general physics seminar, Kharkiv National University, Ukraine

12-16 Mar 2018 participation in the DPG Spring meeting, Berlin, Germany

6 Mar 2018 "Theoretical investigation of excitonic magnetism in LaSrCoO4" is published in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 30, 135603 (2018)

19-23 Feb 2018 participation in the Winter School "Numerical Methods in Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems", Marburg, Germany.

9 Feb 2018 new preprint: Suppression and revival of long-range ferromagnetic order in the multiorbital Fermi-Hubbard model [arXiv:1802.02935]

4-14 Dec 2017 a Phys. Rev. B paper [link] and two preprints [arXiv:1712.03774 and arXiv:1712.04906] are published online.

13 Oct 2017 new preprint: Competing phases in the model of Pr-based cobaltites [arXiv:1710.04467].

4-8 Sep 2017 participation in the NGSCES conference, Barcelona.

6 Aug 2017 a daughter Polina was born in Vienna.

19-24 Mar 2017 participation in DPG (SKM), Dresden.

7 Mar 2017 a paper on SU(4) symmetry breaking in the Hubbard model is published in Phys. Rev. B.

20-23 Feb 2017 participation in Winter School "Computational Magnetism", Vienna.

20 Dec 2016 preprint on SU(4) symmetry breaking in the Hubbard model appeared on arXiv, read more

25 Nov 2016 a paper on chemical potentials in ideal quantum gases (bridging textbook cases) is published in Fizika Nizk. Temp. 43, 172 (2017) [in Russian].

2 Nov 2016, moved from Prague to Vienna (IFP TU Wien) with the group of Jan Kunes [link to the group webpage].

24-27 Oct 2016, scientific visit to Frankfurt (group of Prof. Hofstetter) and Mainz (group of Prof. van Dongen).

27 Jul 2016, a paper on the field-induced exciton condensation in LaCoO3 is published in Scientific Reports, read more.

22 Jul 2016, a review paper on unique effects in ultracold quantum gases is published in Visnyk NANU, read more [in Ukrainian].

May-June 2016, summer school on Computational Quantum Materials, Sherbrooke, Canada

23 May 2016, a paper on orbital magnetism of 4-component atomic mixtures in optical lattices is published in Phys. Rev. A.

8 Apr 2016, preprint on the field-induced exciton condensation appeared on arXiv, read more.

26 Feb 2016, preprint on orbital magnetism of 4-component atomic mixtures in optical lattices appeared on arXiv, read more.

8 Feb 2016, the paper on quantum magnetism in optical lattices with state-dependent tunneling is published in Phys. Lett. A [link]

30 Nov 2015, moved to Prague, obtained a postdoctoral position in the group of Dr. Jan Kunes, Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences.

19/11/2015, the first prize laureate in the contest for young scientists in NSC KIPT.

26/10/2015, the paper on many-body phases in anisotropic optical lattices is published in Phys. Rev. A.

18/09/2015, preprint on quantum magnetism in state-dependent optical lattices appeared on arXiv, read more. [submitted to Physics Letters A]

25/08/2015, the paper on quantum magnetic phases in ultra-cold three-component fermionic mixtures in optical lattices is published in Phys. Rev. A.

21/07/2015, scientific visit to Institute of Physics, Prague. Invited by Dr. Jan Kunes.

26/06/2015, preprint on quantum magnetic phases in ultra-cold three-component fermionic mixtures in optical lattices appeared on arXiv, read more.

05/06/2015, contributed talk on the 6th international conference for young scientists at ILTP, Kharkiv.

12/05/2015, our preprint on ultra-cold fermions in anisotropic lattices appeared on arXiv, read more.

01/04/2015, our popular-science article "Captivating physics of the captured quantum gases" [in Ukrainian] is published in Universitates 1(60), pp. 4-11 (2015); read full text.

Another one, "Ultracold Quantum Gases: Unique Effects, Novel Technologies and Tasks" is published in Svitogliad 1(51), pp.20-27 (2015).

10/02/2015, start of the new teaching semester - more courses, more fun!

21/01/2015, invited lecture in KNU for high school physics teachers on ultracold quantum gases [in Russian], see slides or video of the talk for more details.

17/12/2014, scientific visit to ITP, Goethe-University Frankfurt, invited by Prof. Hofstetter.

04/09/2014, started tutorials on the special relativity theory and electromagnetism at KNU after a three-year break.

02/09/2014, started working at NSC "Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology" on the position of the senior staff scientist. Joined a group of Prof. Slyusarenko in the department of statistical physics and quantum field theory, ITP.

02/06/2014, our paper on three-color magnetism is published in Phys. Rev. A.

25/04/2014, in case you are interested to learn more about ultracold quantum gases watch my overview talk [in Russian] at the General Physics Seminar, Department of Physics and Technology, KNU. The pdf-file of the slides can be downloaded from here.

30/03/2014, arrived back to Kharkiv from Frankfurt.