
The Agile Tracking Tool was creating by using Grails. Below some basic steps on running the application are described.

  • Install the Java 6 SDK. The java SDK can be found over here. Select JDK 6 Update xy. Make sure your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the installation directory of java sdk.

Automated installation

Depending on your download speed this should take in the order of minutes. When you have Linux installed you can choose to run the installation script as can be downloaded over here (note: script is outdated, must add 'grails install-plugin') . Download it, inspect the default directory locations and run it. The script will download the grails environment, source code and run the Agile Tracking Tool. Continue to the 'Running application' section below.

Manual installation

For other operating systems the steps as found in the script can be followed:

More information on running Grails applications can be found on

Running application

  • Run all the unit tests as a check. Go to the root of the source code (terminal or dos-box) and type: grails test-app. All tests should pass. (See for more information on testing.)

  • You can run the application for testing purposes by: grails run-app. Browse to http://localhost:8080/AgileTrackingTool. When the application is shutdown the in-memory database will be lost. Go to the deployment and database section below for running in a production environment.

Note: on application exit you can export your data via the administration page to file and import it again on startup.

First time use

You can choose by creating your own project data or using a default data set.

The default data set can be loaded by running the application and navigation to the Adminstration page at: http://localhost:8080/AgileTrackingTool/admin/index. Click on the link 'Load Default Data'.

Using your own project data is done by:

Configuration (optional)

The Agile Tracking Tool can be configured by editing file in the root directory of the source code:

The daily job of the Agile Tracking Tool keeps track of the work over time by taking a snapshot of the amount of agile story points.

The daily job details can be adjusted by changing the grails-app/jobs/PointsSnapShotJob.groovy file. Check this line:

def cronExpression = "0 15 18 ? * MON-FRI" // Run every working day at 18.15

More details on jobs can be found at

DataBase selection (optional)

By default the grails application runs by using a default in memory database. All data is lost when the application is stopped. Grails can be used to run a variety of different databases. Again check the Grails website:

MySql was tested successfully. The MySql jar files was added in the lib-directory. The DataSource.groovy can be found over here.

More information on configuring mysql with jndi and tomcat can be found here.

WebServer deployment (optional)

The Agile tracking Tool can be deployed on a variety of webservers. The application is deployed and running on Tomcat ( More information can be found at