JONES, Adam. Genocide professor "silenced" over Afghan genocide comments
Professor Adam Jones is a Canadian professor of international studies at the Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE) in Mexico City. He is executive director of Gendercide Watch, a Web-based educational initiative that confronts gender-selective atrocities against men and women worldwide. Professor Adam Jones claims he was "silenced" on H-Genocide, an academic mailing list for the genocide-studies community, after attempting to post materials and commentary on the U.S.-led military campaign against Afghanistan. He is the author of “Genocide: a comprehensive introduction”(see: and ).
Professor Adam Jones, in three consecutive rejected posts to the H-Genocide list, to which he subscribes, cited testimony from humanitarian organizations and United Nations staffers to the effect that the bombing campaign against Afghanistan was the major impediment to the delivery of desperately-needed food aid to the Afghan civilian population. In the first post (12 October 2001): "If coalition leaders are aware of the present situation, as most of the major humanitarian agencies and international media appear to be, and choose to continue the bombing in coming weeks ... could any resulting largescale mortality legitimately be termed genocidal?" [1].
[1]. CounterPunchwire, “Genocide scholar “silenced” on academic list for comments about bombing of Afghanitan”, 26 October 2001: .