Course Expectations
Advanced Python
Course Expectations
Karl Fisch
Welcome to Advanced Python! This document is designed to help you be successful in our class. Please read it carefully and don’t hesitate to ask questions if there’s anything you don’t understand.
Contact Information
Cell Phone: 720-ToFisch (720.863.4724) - calls and texts okay, but won't accept picture texts
Twitter: karlfisch
Skype: karlfisch
Diigo: karlfisch
Office Hours
I probably have at least one unscheduled hour that you do.
Spring semester I teach Per 1 M-F, Per 2 M-F, and Per 3 MTWF.
Due to my other responsibilities, however, you can't just assume I'll be there, so my office hours are by appointment (but you are always welcome to drop by to see if I’m available even if you don't have an appointment, my office is in the library).
Charged laptop computer.
Course Goals
- Content Goal: Learn computer science skills and how to program in Python.
- Habits of Mind Goal: To learn to think like a Computer Scientist and to become a better problem solver.
- Collaborative Goal: Become better at working together to achieve a common objective.
- Metacognitive Goal: Learn more about yourself as a learner and use that to become a better learner.
- Mindset Goal: You were not born smart. Or dumb. You were born human. Humans learn and grow. Your abilities can be developed through dedication, hard work and passion—brains and talent are just the starting point. If you can develop this mindset it helps create a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for accomplishing what you want to accomplish.
You will typically have homework every few weeks, with usually at least a week to complete it. This homework should not take a tremendous amount of time (do not spend more than 90 minutes on it, unless you just want to), but you probably don't want to wait until the last minute to start on it. This will also be "graded" on sincere completion. Homework will be “graded” using the following scale:
SC = Sincere Completion: Sincerely attempted to do completely and well.
IC = Insincere Completion: Turned something in that is not quality effort and work or is very late.
ML = Missing/Late: Didn’t turn it in or or was turned in late.
Skills Assessment
You will be assessed over the essential skills in Advanced Python. These short (5-15 minute) assessments will occur in-class. Each assessment will be “graded” using the following scale:
PR = Proficient: Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the skill
DE = Developing: Demonstrates a developing understanding of the skill, but with some errors
NY = Not Yet: Demonstrates a minimal understanding of the skill, with significant errors
The feedback you seek and receive will be more important than the grade that goes in the grade book.
Because Advanced Python constantly builds on your existing knowledge, it is essential that you master the skills as we go along and not get behind, otherwise you will quickly find it difficult to master new skills. Therefore, if you did not score proficient (PR) on the skill you will have multiple opportunities to get help from various sources and then re-assess over that skill, and your improved score will replace your previous score in the grade book. You may re-assess as often as once per day, by appointment, for the next five school days (for a possible total of up to five re-assessments). If after 5 days you are still not at least developing (DE), we will meet and discuss what we should do to help you.
If you need help first you can also make an appointment and come in for help, but you cannot re-assess on the same visit as you get help (as we want to make sure you retain the knowledge for a longer period of time). I can’t emphasize enough how critical it is that you master these skills along the way - the expectation is that you will take full advantage of this opportunity to not only improve your grade, but more importantly to improve your understanding.
We will also have a project at the end of the semester that serves as your summative assessment (final exam).
I believe that there is a difference between assessment and grading. Assessment is less about assigning a grade and more about getting better at what we can do. I believe in stressing assessment for learning as opposed to assessment of learning, which is why the feedback you seek and receive is so important. The most important assessment of your work is your own self-assessment.
Therefore your “grade” in this class is going to be a bit different. Homework assignments, skill assessments, and the summative assessment will all be recorded in the online grade book, but in categories with a “zero” weight. This means that all of us (you, me, your parents, your counselors and administrators) will be able to see and track how you are doing in each “category” and each “assignment” within the category, but those assignments will not be assigned points and averaged to come up with an overall grade.
Instead, there will be one category titled “Current Assessment of Overall Progress” which will contain your current overall grade for the course. That category will be informed by all the “grades” recorded in the other categories, but will not be a simple average. Instead, it will be a more holistic view of your overall progress. It will rely on my professional judgment, in concert with dialogue with you, and will change over the course of the semester as your level of understanding changes. If at any time you disagree with what that current assessment of overall progress says, you can come in and we will discuss it and I will happily change it if we agree that it should be changed.
Because of the needs of the online grade book software, the grade you receive in this category will be the typical A-F (along with pluses and minuses to try to give you some additional indication of your strength within each grade), with arbitrary percentages attached:
Classroom Policies
Here’s the one rule you need to remember:
Do the right thing.
Seriously, that’s pretty much all you have to remember. Of course you have to follow all the rules in the LPS Student Code of Conduct, as well as all AHS policies as listed in your student calendar but, in the end, it pretty much boils down to do the right thing. While I think that at least 98% of the time you know what the right thing is, if you’re ever unsure, ask.
If you really want a longer list, here you go:
- You may engage in any behavior that does not create a problem for you or anyone else.
- If you find yourself with a problem, you may solve it by any means that does not cause a problem for you or anyone else.
- You may engage in any behavior that does not jeopardize the safety or learning of yourself or others. Unkind words and actions will not be tolerated.
Attendance and Tardies
This is pretty simple as well. All district and AHS policies apply, including the rules regarding make-up work. But, in general:
- It's very important to attend class every day. There’s a high positive correlation between attendance and success in school. Obviously if you are very sick, coming to school is a bad idea but, otherwise, you should be here. If you are absent, you are expected to check online to see what you’ve missed before coming back to school (and to begin working on it). This will provide you the best opportunity to be successful.
- If at all possible, don’t be tardy. Being late under normal circumstances is disrespectful to your classmates, your teacher, and yourself, and it makes it more difficult for you to be successful in our class, so please don’t be late.
In the unlikely event that attendance or tardies become an issue, then we will have a conversation and we will develop an appropriate plan together to fix the problem.
If you have any questions, please contact me. Once you feel like you completely understand these expectations, please fill out this form to indicate your understanding. Thank you for taking the time to thoughtfully consider these expectations, and I’m looking forward to our time together in Intro to Computer Science.
Karl Fisch
December 2016