
Published and Forthcoming Papers

What's in a Name? ESG Mutual Funds and the SEC's Names Rule, 96 Southern California Law Review 1417 (2024) (with Jill Fisch).

Discretionary Investing by ‘Passive’ S&P 500 Funds, 41 Yale Journal on Regulation 248 (2024) (with Peter Molk).

          Post  on the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation summarizing the paper.   

Timing the Regulatory Tightrope, in Research Handbook on Law and Time (forthcoming).

          Post on the Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog  summarizing the paper. 

          Post on the Oxford Business Law Blog  summarizing the paper. 

Giant Asset Managers, the Big Three, and Index Investing,  in Board-Shareholder Dialogue: Policy Debate, Legal Constraints and Best Practices (forthcoming) (with Dorothy Lund).

          Post on the Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog  summarizing the paper. 

          Post on the Oxford Business Law Blog  summarizing the paper. 

Shareholder Proposals and the Debate over Sustainability Disclosure, in Board-Shareholder Dialogue: Policy Debate, Legal Constraints and Best Practices (forthcoming) (with Jill Fisch). 

          Post on the Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog  summarizing the paper. 

          Post on the Oxford Business Law Blog  summarizing the paper. 

The (Mis)uses of the S&P 500, 2 University of Chicago Business Law Review 137 (2023).

Aggregating Values: Mutual Funds and the Problem of ESG, University of Chicago Law Review Online (March 2023) (with Sarath Sanga). 

Millionaires Speak: What Drives Their Personal Investment Decisions?  146 Journal of Financial Economics 305 (2022) (with Svetlana Bender, James J. Choi, and Danielle Dyson).

          Internet Appendix; NBER Working Paper version 

Hidden Agendas in Shareholder Voting, 39 Yale Journal on Regulation 1218  (2022) (with Scott Hirst). 

          Post  on the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation summarizing the paper.   

Do ESG Mutual Funds Deliver on Their Promises?, 120 Michigan Law Review 393 (2021) (with Quinn Curtis and Jill E. Fisch).

          Post  on the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation summarizing the paper.   

Advisers By Another Name, 11 Harvard Business Law Review 311 (2021)  (with Paul Mahoney).

What Matters to Individual Investors? Evidence from the Horse's Mouth,  75 Journal of Finance 1965 (2020) (with James Choi). 

          Vox column summarizing the paper; NBER Working Paper version; Internet Appendix

Passive in Name Only: Delegated Management and “Index” Investing, 36 Yale Journal on Regulation 795 (2019).

          Post on the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation summarizing the paper.

You Get What You Pay For: An Empirical Examination of the Use of MTurk in Legal Scholarship, 72 Vanderbilt Law Review 1633 (2019) (with Albert H. Yoon).

Shadow Banking, Shadow Bailouts, 43 Delaware Journal of Corporate Law 459 (2019).

Blowing Hot Air: Regulatory Credibility and the Living Will Requirement, 14  N.Y.U. Journal of Law & Business 447 (2018).

Privacy Harms, 69 Hastings Law Journal 1039 (2018) (with Ignacio N. Cofone).

Consumer Privacy in a Behavioral World, 69 Hastings Law Journal 1471 (2018) (with Ignacio N. Cofone).

Working Papers 

Noisy Factors (with Pat Akey and Mikhail Simutin).

          Coverage of the project in Bloomberg and the FT

Continuity and Change on Corporate Boards (with Peter Cziraki).

          Post  on the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation summarizing the paper.   

Closet Active Management of Passive Funds (with Pat Akey and Mikhail Simutin).

Credentials Matter, But Only For Men: Evidence from the S&P 500 (with Peter Cziraki).

          Post on the Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog  summarizing the paper. 

Shorter Writing & Permanent Working Papers

Self-Help Liquidity: The Unintended Consequences of Dodd-Frank on the Corporate Bond Market  

Information Management and the Gun-Jumping Rules

Better Bond Indices and Liquidity Gaming the Rest (with Matthew Spiegel)

          Indices available on Matt Spiegel's website

Blockchain Governance: An Outsider's Perspective, Harv. J.L. & Tech. Dig. (June 12, 2018),