
Below is a list of outside activities (i.e., activities outside the scope of my academic employment), which may or may not influence my academic research. 


I hold a portfolio of broadly diversified index funds and/or ETFs, including at least one that tracks the S&P 500 index. I do not own shares in individual companies.

Compensated Activities Since Entering Academia

Below is a list of all activities for which I have received payment in excess of $1,000 (from entities other than academic institutions) since entering academia in 2017:

As part of my academic employment, I routinely present my research at academic institutions and at conferences hosted by such institutions. In addition, I have occasionally travelled to present my research at conferences hosted by non-academic institutions. I list the host organizations below, along with any honoraria. In addition to occasionally offering honoraria, these organizations generally reimbursed some or all of my travel expenses:

Present and Past Board Service


Not For Profit:

For Profit:

Research Support

I have received generous research support through my academic employers. In addition to this support, I have received research grants from the following outside sources:

Last updated October 2023