Appreciation from Recipients

"How wonderful that your "wonder folks" thought of foster kids again. I was able to see three of the bikes go out to siblings (2 girls and a boy)-and it was beyond heartwarming to see their lovely faces light up. Apparently, these children had been shuffled through several homes this year and experienced a difficult time before they were placed with their new foster family." - Foster A Dream (Dec 2012)

"This is 2 year old Akee. I saw him take his first "steps" on a bike. He was SO excited. His mom told me that Akee would cry whenever he saw other kids in the program get bikes and he really wanted one. This is his dream come true! He's even more excited that it's a Transformers bike." - Oakland Elizabeth House (Dec 2012)

"This is one of our moms named Lyesha. She has lupus and her legs often get swollen, forcing her to have to take periods of time off work at the bakery she works at. Exercising helps, and she used to do so pretty often on her bike (and also bikes to work when she's able to). But her bike recently developed problems with the gears, so she wasn't able to ride it anymore. She was very excited to get her pink bike!" - Oakland Elizabeth House (Dec 2012)

"The ride back was smooth and came back to campus feeling like SantaJ Lots of students were waiting anxiously to receive their bikes (for many, first!) They are so grateful for everyone’s generosity. Thank you for keeping a special eye out for your SF State Guardian Scholars!!!!" - SFSU Guardian Scholar Program (Dec 2012)