Press releases, interviews & other media stuff
Selected clippings of some of the media presence of my research.
>> Press releases
A team of professional and citizen scientists from the Radio Galaxy Zoo project has doubled the known sample of a rare class of galaxies known as Hybrid Morphology Radio Sources (HyMoRS). Most galaxies, just like our Milky Way, harbour a central supermassive black hole. For some galaxies, the consumption of matter by their central black hole result in the emission of large radio jets. These galaxies, known as radio galaxies, are typically divided into two classes: Fanaroff-Riley
I and II, named after two astronomers Bernie Fanaroff and Julia Riley who introduced the classes in their study in 1974. In this work, the scientists double the numbers of the peculiar hybrid radio galaxy type. Not only we don't know how these hybrids form, we don't even have enough of them for detailed study. The new publication attempts to change that, screening through the whole sky in search of these objects.
New low radio frequency work on one of our closest and spectacular galaxies - the Sculptor, NGC 253. It is an archetypal star-burst galaxy with a prominent massive radio halo. A completely new view on the halo (not done at such high sensitivity and resolution at those low frequencies, <230MHz, before), finally an answer to a suggestion to what happens in the core (by the way, it is the internal free-free absorption of synchrotron emission), and a new find of an absorption feature in the south-western halo part - and all of this done with our very recent MWA GLEAM survey! Pretty exciting!
Writing their name in the stars: citizen scientists discover huge galaxy cluster is associated with our serendipitous Radio Galaxy Zoo discovery of one of the largest wide-angle tail radio galaxies known. This massive radio galaxy was spotted by two of our citizen scientists within the first week of launching the Radio Galaxy Zoo project. Now, they have the cluster in which the radio galaxy resides named after them - the Matorny-Terentiev Cluster!
Left: A radio contour overlay showing the newly-discovered Matorny-Terentev Cluster RGZ-CL J0823.2+0333. Credit: Banfield et al./SDSS.
>> Radio AM/FM
August 2019: What Even is Radio Astronomy?, Active Galactic (incl. interview, Aug 2019)
May 2019: Peering into Black Holes, Active Galactic (interview, May 2019)
September 2017 Extra: Measuring Star Formation. The Jodcast (A Jodrell Bank Podcast, Sep 2017)
March 2012: flat packed (LOFAR and the AGN). The Jodcast (A Jodrell Bank Podcast, Mar 2012)
>> Newspaper coverage (selected)
Halo Of Nearby Starburst Galaxy Seen In Detail, To Aid Understanding Galactic Formation by Himanshu Goenka. The International Business Times (Mar 2017)
Astronomowie obserwują halo gwiazdotwórczej galaktyki NGC 253 by Radosław Kosarzycki. Puls Kosmosu (Mar 2017)
Vision sin precedentes del halo de una galaxia activa cercana. Público (Mar 2017)
Galactic Force by Ben O'Shea. The West Australian (Inside Cover, Mar 2017)
Citizen scientists write their names in the stars by Chris Marr. Science Network WA (Jul 2016)