9/11 Legacy False Flag Terror A series of Kaminski essays about 9/11 - what really took place and why.

Published: Monday, 23 June 2008 00:00

This essay is dedicated to the many wonderful Jewish people I have known and loved, most of whom were nicer people than me. I thank you for your love and kindness, and it is with a heavy heart I must apprise you of the result of my lengthy and fair-minded studies.

When I look at Jews, I think of evil alien predators, conscienceless murderers: Israelis who harvest body parts of the Arab children they kill, twisted rabbis who suck the blood from babies' penises, and then are forgiven by Jewish judges, and demonic American politicians like the Jewish terrorist Joe Lieberman and his Hanoi Hilton-brained puppet McCain who are about to take the world into a maelstrom of radioactive fire.

All Jews are part of a system that has captured the world's mind in such a clever and thorough way that virtually no one who has not studied world history for decades even suspects something odd has happened. To this very moment the heinous acts of the Jewish moneykings are constantly and perpetually shattering the peace and tranquility we yearn for, and yet their hold on public consciousness has wiped out the higher values that we were all supposed to hold dear. Ultimately, we choose not to see what they're doing because we’re terrified of jeopardizing our own money supply, and hence our survival.

When I look at Gentiles, who are all the non-Jews of the world, I see an endless sea of dupes of Jewish propaganda. Gentiles mostly have no clue about any of this. They have happily consumed the products tossed their way, almost never realizing that what they have been gifted has been crafted for a purpose, and given to them by Jews. You may yourself conclude what that purpose may be, but one need only look at the hyperbolic curve of moral decay and corruption that overtook world society in the first decade of the 21st century.

Throughout the 20th century and to a lesser extent long before, Jewish control of the media has reshaped the human mind. (See my Freud, Marx and Einstein: a matrix of nihilistic destabilization.

From the Gay 1890s, which masked a major immigration of German and Russian Jews to the U.S., through the takeover of all American corporations and ultimately all the banks (Dupont, Monsanto, Time Warner and Eli Lilly are all Jewish companies). The Rockefellers are Marrano Jews who control all the universities. Every particle of information you have ingested in your entire lifetime has been screened by Jews.

The result of all this, throughout American history, has been constant warfare based on lies for profit. George Washington went to notorious Jewish slave trader Aaron Lopez to help fund his revolution. Our Founding Fathers were the Bilderbergers of their day. Rothschild funded both sides of the American Revolution and has done so with every major war down to this very day.

It is written in the Bible, of course, but also in the frightened words of Cicero and Tacitus, the great Roman historians, who feared to speak for fear of the Jews, indicating that the string-pulling power of the Jews was every bit as powerful in ancient Rome as it is today in Washington.

And the world marches blithely on, in a fluoride coma that blots out the screams.


Germany, Russia and the United States have been the countries, over history, who have acted most kindly toward Jews. They gave them their opportunity to fit in. As a result, these nations have been utterly ravaged by Jews. The Germans through media lies became the pariahs of the world. And the Russians were mostly murdered by foreign Jews who took over their country. The United States has been turned into a Jewish monster that condones torture, which we have learned from how the Israelis torture the Palestinians. No rights. The choices are you can be corpse or a slave.

Identification of two principal lies are what the world faces if it is to evolve toward a genuine, self-actualizing future.

The first is the Holocaust, the claimed deliberate mass murder of six million Jews by Adolf Hitler and the Germans.

The second is 9/11, the destruction of the twin towers in New York City by supposedly neophyte pilot Arab terrorists.

Both are lies, believed by the masses only because of the media blitz that inculcated their fictional credibility in the public mind.

The same effect was achieved with Holocaust propaganda, which began in earnest only after the first Kennedy assassination.

The same media blitz in the late 1960s that first imbued the notion of a Jewish holocaust in Germany 1940-45 — with specific notions of gassings, pools of fire, and human soap — made acceptance of this falsified version of history the publicly accepted norm, thanks to the constant bombardment of Jewish media, and the mawkish construction of Holocaust museums throughout the world to venerate Jewish suffering. We are told, in many countries by law, to worship Jewish suffering.

How this relates to what Israel does to its neighbors is nothing more than the stories told of Jews throughout the centuries. All of their holidays celebrate slaughter, and world history has shown the kingmakers, powerbrokers, and money launderers, all of whom seem to be Jewish or their lackeys, seem to really like shedding blood on those particular days.

One thing is for sure: they are Chosen to test the rest of us.


The claim that six million died in World War II is actually an echo of a story that was first seen in the New York Times in the 1920s claiming six million Jews were at risk of death in Europe. This was the fever pitch of Jewish immigration from Russia and Eastern Europe that followed pogroms they staged themselves to gain sympathy, a tactic they have always used back to Roman days.

All those emaciated bodies you see in the World War II film clips were actually caused by starvation and typhus after Allied bombings cut off the German supply lines. The gassing story really derives from its invention and use in the Russian gulags by yet another Jewish madman. The Germans didn’t gas anyone; they only tried to get their country out of the international Jewish financial crime scheme that was and is choking the life out of the planet.

Now hundreds of honest people are in jail for insisting this is the historical truth, yet they are not allowed to present their evidence to the world court of public opinion because of the deafening white noise of Jewish media, always ready to shape the public the way they want us to go, and the corrupt Jewish courts, which in Germany have reached laughably sad abuse of logic and honesty, subhuman, really, decisions controlled by Jews.

The parable of Elie Wiesel is perhaps the easiest way to debunk the Holocaust in your mind. The claims he made in his Nobel Prize-winning book Night now all stand thoroughly revealed as hysterical fiction. Yet, thanks to Jewish media, the world marches on, still mostly believing everything he said was true.

Similar enforced epiphanies were blasted into the public mind on 9/11: the government published the names of all 19 hijackers in three hours, and yet, eight years later, it has told us nothing more about the actual crime, and managed to murder several million hijab-clad unfortunates while doing so. Do we need to take this description of an utterly and criminally insane society that we in our comas support by our silent complicity ... any further?

The very fabric of American society has been completely changed by arbitary and despotic new laws as a result of this colossal act of staged terror. The hysterical measures implemented by the government after it covered up a proper investigation of 9/11 all have the tendency to funnel acceptable thoughts toward what the government decrees. And when the government is lying, and not telling you what’s really going on, you are not free. Do not deceive yourself. Sometime soon, ask yourself, where am I being taken? And you will perceive the sinister presence of the Jew hiding behind whatever ailment is about to enslave or destroy you.

Rabbi Michael Chertoff, the one man in America who has ultimate control over whether you have committed a crime or not, is an Israeli citizen, a veteran of the Mossad, and key operative among the Israeli agents who have controlled the administrative staffs of all recent U.S. presidents. As head of Homeland Security, and now that the judiciary has ceased functioning as a legitimate branch of government, Chertoff has the final decision over whether you live or die, and he will make his decisions according to new rules decreed by President Bush II which have removed most of our previous Constitutional protections.

Michael Chertoff is controlled by Israel. The United States is controlled by Israel. Failure to deal with the question is going to cost many of us our lives in the very near future. It is written in the Jewish scriptures.

Amy Goodman, darling of the Jewish-controlled gatekeeper left, and who never would mention 9/11 until years after the event, is a Jew.

Judith Miller, the reporter from the New York Times who made up all those stories of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that the U.S. GOVERNMENT THEN USED AS EVIDENCE, is a Jew.

"The Jew is to say on Purim Day: ... cursed be all non-Jews, blessed be all Jews." (Orach Chaim, 660, 16).

"Theft, robbery and rape of a beautiful woman and similar deeds are forbidden to every Gentile toward another Gentile and also toward a Jew. But they are allowed to a Jew against a non-Jew." (Sanhedrin, 57 a; also Abodah Zara, 13b).

"A heretic Gentile you may kill outright with your own hands." (Aboda Zara 4b).

“The difference between a Jewish soul and the souls of non-Jews—all of them in all different levels—is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.” — Rabbi Kook the Elder, revered father of the messianic tendency in Jewish fundamentalism

All these words and thoughts are not anti-Semitic (a term that is a misnomer anyway, meant to scare people from looking at crimes being committed in their names). They are simply evidence of an enormous crime scheme against the entire human species, and concealed from the consciousness of most people by an educational system deliberately designed to hide the fact that people are not free when they are not told the truth about what is really going on.

We all yearn for an honest and just world. Our leaders clearly work to prevent that, because of the financial pressures placed upon them by the people who really run the world, who in our case just happen to be Jewish bankers and a worldwide organization of wealth that has been robbing the world for the last 200 years. It’s past time to figure out how to detox the poison they spew before the last lifeform on Earth is blotted out.

Jews must be disenfranchised as normal human beings. Since their toxic dogma demands they regard themselves as a step above the rest of the species, as evidenced by their complete takeover of modern society, we must regard them as a step below real human beings, who simply realize that love is the answer and you don’t have to kill somone to get it.

Originally Published: http://www.johnkaminski.info/pages/articles/a_tale_of_two_lies.htm

Written in autumn 2003.

The American government killed its own people

Opposed by everyone in the world who was not bought off, the illegal invasion of Iraq was undertaken for many reasons — the imminent replacement of the dollar by the euro as the world's primary currency, the tempting lure of untapped oil reserves, the desire to consolidate U.S./Israeli military hegemony over a strategically vital region — but the most important reason was to further obscure questions about the awesome deception staged by the American government that has come to be known as 9/11.

9/11 was a hoax. This is no longer a wild conspiracy assertion; it is a fact, supported by thousands of other verifiable facts, foremost of which are:

  • The attacks of 9/11 COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED without the willful failure of the American defense system. In Washington, Air Force pilots demanded to fly but were ordered to stand down. Yet instead of prosecuting the president and military leaders for this unprecedented dereliction of duty, military leaders were promoted and the president was praised for presiding over a defense system that suspiciously failed the most crucial test in its history. None of the deaths would have happened without the deliberate unplugging of America's air defenses.
    • Planes that lose contact with control towers are usually intercepted by fighter jets inside of ten minutes, as the incident with the golfer's plane a few months earlier so clearly demonstrated. Yet on 9/11, the jetliners that struck New York were allowed to proceed unmolested for more than a half-hour, and the plane that supposedly crashed in Washington was not intercepted for more than an hour and forty minutes after it was widely known that four planes had been hijacked.
  • The twin towers could not have collapsed as a result of burning jet fuel. Most of that fuel was consumed on impact. In the south tower, most of the fuel was spilled outside the building. Heat caused by burning jet fuel does not reach temperatures needed to melt steel. What does stand out as particularly suspicious and still unexplained is that fires raged out of control beneath THREE of the collapsed towers for ONE HUNDRED DAYS, clearly indicating the presence of some kind of substance utilized in the demolition of the structures.
    • The Twin Towers did not fall because of plane impacts or fires. Most likely explosives were placed on structural supports in the towers (as was done in Oklahoma City), and these controlled implosions snuffed out the lives of three thousand people.
  • FBI Director Robert Mueller insisted officials had no idea this kind of attack could happen when in fact the FBI had been investigating the possibility of EXACTLY this kind of attack for almost TEN YEARS. Numerous previous attempts at using planes as weapons, intimate knowledge of terror plans called Project Bojinka, and knowledge of suspicious characters attending flight schools who were being monitored by the FBI make his utterance a clear lie on its face.
    • In the weeks before 9/11, the U.S. received warnings from all over the world that an event just like this was about to happen, but FBI investigations into suspected terrorists were suppressed and those warnings were deliberately disregarded.
  • The names of the alleged hijackers, all ostensibly Muslims, were released to the public only hours after the attacks, despite Mueller saying we had no knowledge this would happen. This is an impossible twist of logic. If he didn't know of a plan to strike buildings with planes, how would he know the names of the hijackers? Various artifacts were discovered in strategic places to try to confirm the government's story, but these have all been dismissed as suspicious planting of evidence. Since that time several names on that list have turned up alive and well, living in Arab countries. Yet no attempt has ever been made to update the list. And why were none of these names on the airlines' passenger lists?
  • Much like the invasion of Iraq, the anthrax attacks were designed to deflect attention from unanswered 9/11 questions in the patriotic pandemonium that followed the tragedy. In addition to making large amounts of money for the president's father and his friends from the hasty sale of inefficient drugs to a panicked populace, the investigation into these killings was abruptly halted when the trail of evidence led straight to the government's door, and has not been reopened. The anthrax attacks also amped up the climate of fear and deflected attention from the passage of the government's repressive Patriot Act.
  • The Patriot Act was presented in the days after the tragedy supposedly as a response to it, yet it was clear that this heinous act, drafted to nullify provisions for freedom in the U.S. Constitution, was put together long before 9/11. In addition, testimony by Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) revealed that most members of Congress were compelled to vote for the bill without even reading it. This was a vote to eliminate the Constitutional Bill of Rights, which has defined American freedom for 200 years, and it was accomplished when legislators voted for the bill without even reading it.
  • The invasion of Afghanistan was presented as an attempt to pursue the alleged perpetrators of 9/11, yet it had been discussed for years prior to the tragedy and actually planned in the months before the attacks on New York and Washington. Statements by Zbigniew Brzezinski and the Republican-written Project for a New American Century have stressed that America needed a formidable enemy to accomplish its aggressive geopolitical aims. The supposed enemy we attacked in Afghanistan was a diverse group of men from all over the world who were initially recruited, encouraged and supported by the American CIA.
  • The hole in the Pentagon was not made by a jumbo jet. Damage to the building was simply not consistent with the size of the hole nor the absence of debris. At the supposed point of impact, a whole bank of windows remained unbroken and there were no marks on the lawn. No airplane debris (except what was planted on the lawn) nor remains of passengers were ever found.
  • The president has admitted that he continued to read a story to schoolchildren in a Florida school for 30 minutes after being informed that two planes had struck New York and that the nation was under attack. He has never explained this puzzling behavior, nor how he saw the first plane hit. It was never televised, only recorded by a French crew filming firemen in New York. In that film, the plane in question does not appear to be a passenger airliner.
  • The plane in Pennsylvania was shot down and broke apart in midair. No other explanation can account for the wreckage, which was spread over a six-mile area, or the eyewitness accounts that describe debris falling from the sky.
  • Cellphone calls cannot be made from airliners in flight that are not close to the ground. As research by Professor A. K. Dewdney has shown, the emotional conversations between hijacked passengers and others would not have been possible under conditions that existed at that moment. These calls were cynical fabrications, exploiting the distraught emotions of those who lost loved ones.
  • Radio communications from firefighters on the upper floors of the Trade Center towers clearly indicate that fires were under control and the structure was in no danger of collapsing.

These are merely a few of the deliberately false statements made by U.S. officials about 9/11. They provide crystal clear evidence that our president, his staff, and many legislators should be indicted on charges of treason, obstruction of justice and mass murder. Above all, these evil men should be removed from their positions of authority before they implement more of their moneymaking murder schemes like the one they are now perpetrating on the innocent people of Iraq.

Otherwise, we face a future of endless war abroad and merciless repression at home.

Consider just a few more of the other unanswered questions from among the thousands of unexplained loose ends that all point to 9/11 being an inside job.

  • Who benefited from the suspiciously high numbers of put options purchased prior to September 11 for shares in companies whose stock prices subsequently plummeted, on the supposition that whoever was behind the hijacking was also behind most of the purchases of these put options? And what was the role of the new executive director of the CIA, Buzzy Krongard, who handled these transactions?
  • Why was the debris from the collapsed Twin Towers removed from the site with no forensic examination? Why was almost all of it sold to scrap merchants and shipped abroad where it would not be available for scientific examination?
  • Why does the government refuse to release any transcripts of communications or any records at all relating to signals of any form transmitted by those jets?
  • Why did so many people, from San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown to many employees of companies in the World Trade Center who failed to come to work that day, know in advance that something bad was going to happen on Sept. 11, 2001?
  • Why do all the major U.S. media continue to act as if none of these questions is legitimate or relevant?

Today, millions of people around the world are protesting the criminal destruction of the nation of Iraq. But these protests won't change the number of minds necessary to stop America's criminal madmen from continuing with their genocidal aim of enslaving the entire world.

What WILL stop them is spreading the realization that President George W. Bush and his billionaire accomplices in the oil industry perpetrated 9/11 as an excuse to begin the militarization of America for the purpose of world conquest.

History has shown all too clearly the deceived American people WILL support the destruction of faraway countries on phony pretexts of defending so-called freedom.

Thus the needless wars continue. Right now we watch high-tech weapons slaughter the defenseless people of Iraq. Soon it will be Iran, Syria, Colombia, Venezuela, North Korea, Egypt, Libya, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and who knows where else. All these misguided atrocities will be possible because of the hoax known as 9/11.

But the American people will not — and cannot — tolerate leaders who kill our own people merely to invent a pretext — the war on terror — to go around killing anyone they wish to.

If the American people DO tolerate such an insane strategy, then they clearly do not deserve to survive as a nation or a people.

Originally Published: http://www.serendipity.li/wot/911_a_hoax.htm

Corporate West causes terror in order to profit from it

We have been betrayed by leaders known to us and by those unknown to us. The elected and unelected. Is there a crime worse than betrayal by leaders? .... Holocaust revisionism is at the cutting edge of contemporary thought.

— J. B. Campbell, The New American Man: A Call to Arms

One by one, those who oppose the manipulated Jewish version of history are being forcibly removed from society, and silenced because their views conflict with the program of mind-controlled slavery that has been meticulously crafted by the people who control the world by controlling the money.

Three leading historical revisionists — first, Ernst Zündel; then, Germar Rudolf; now, David Irving — are all under the gun in European courts, charged with crimes they are not even allowed to defend themselves against.

But the worldwide Jewish assault on freedom of speech reaches much, much farther than that. A kangaroo court packed with Israeli settlers as witnesses is now roasting of Palestinian benefactor Sami Al-Arian in Tampa. Anyone who realizes Sami's innocence (prosecution of him would not have been possible before the passage of the Patriot Act) and supports him suddenly receives a home visit from the FBI and IRS aimed at intimidating them into silence. The tactic works. Sami’s support has dwindled.

And at least two deposed leaders of nations — Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia and Saddam Hussein of Iraq — have through their words from unjust imprisonment risen to the status of heroes in the fight against the Jewish war machine that slaughters innocents in many countries around the world, and trumpets its right to pretend to an exalted, immune status that they insist nonJews are simply not eligible for. Everything the Western press has said about both vilified characters has been deliberately twisted negatively. Media manipulation of the facts of history is the second-best weapon in the arsenal of the Jewish war machine. The first, of course, would be money.

Orwell's "newspeak" thus arrives in nonfiction history couched in the language of the Jewish spy agency named the Anti-Defamation League. Anyone who questions the unprovable story of gas chambers in World War Two immediately gets slammed into jail, especially if you live in Germany or Canada, two satellite toadies to the Jewish-controlled U.S./UK/Israeli axis of evil now plundering the planet for profit.

Jewish observers of these statements immediately lapse into their disingenuous fusillade of aspersions beneath the banner of their cynical credo — anti-semitism — most, without realizing that many millions of people now know of centuries-long plans by the world's elitist organizations — notably churches — to subvert and control the minds of the human citizens of this planet. The Jews are not without a very curious history of collapses of societies in which they have risen to prominence: Rome, Venice, Spain, Britain, Russia, Germany, and now, the United States.

Today, new laws in most Western nations (arbitrary geographic divisions of the monolithic social force known as the Corporate West) prohibit even discussing such matters. The macabre legal phraseology the thought-controllers use is "defaming the memory of the dead."

The great laugh in this, as one of my fellow alarmists once mentioned, is that the creators of this law may feign concern about the reputations of deceased martyrs, but they sure don't care much about the living, judging by other behavior by the same group.

But this is no laughing matter. Because the real issue is freedom of speech for every person, and even more than that, it's about freedom of thought.

Fact: In most countries of the Corporate West, you may not even consider that much-maligned assertion trumpeted with certainty by men with such intellectual integrity as Rudolf and Zundel, both of whom are dismissed as white supremacists and sequestered from the realm of human communication so the the rest of the world won't get the information Jews are so desperately trying to conceal — namely, about their perfidy during World War II and their control of the financial forces that allow them to unduly influence all of the major governments in the world.

The dean of the Holocaust Revisionist movement, Robert Faurisson of France, has been expressing it best for almost 30 years. “Show me or draw me a Nazi gas chamber!"

And in all that time, despite the ubiquitous and obscene hysteria of Jewish sewer tales, this evidence proving the existence of the Auschwitz gas chambers has yet to be brought forth for comprehensive public scrutiny. There can be only one answer to this mystery.

Yet with calculated choruses of ritualized mourning, the new Jewish Holocaust religion creeps around the world, spread by the efforts of a powerful yet clandestine network of Jewish supremacists, stifling thought and promoting Jewish profligacy and poverty and misery for everybody else wherever it spreads.

This is the result, despite the best efforts of the worldwide Jewish spin machine — which includes public schools and medical profession — of trying to convince us there was a deliberate policy of extermination of a certain ethnic group during World War II, and most importantly, that this is a tragedy that we should worship.

No one quibbles that Jews died, although the actual number ranges all the way down to 875,000, a number once reported by the Associated Press. But it is the argument about the gassings, and other side issues that put the Jews in a bad light, that sends all these people to jail.

To that end, hundreds if not thousands of Holocaust museums have sprung up across the United States, all funded by taxpayer dollars. Gee, imagine that? Whatever happened to separation of church and state? (Yes, I know; Bush got a hold of it.)

As trenchant Jewish critic Norman Finkelstein has pointed out, the Jewish community has made a mockery of decency by shoving this Holocaust worship down the throats of everyone else. Lenni Brenner and other relatively objective Jewish observers have chronicled the sorry role of international Jewish organizations complicit with Hitler in the manipulation of Europe's Jewish population for purposes of finagling a Jewish state in Palestine.

Yet most Jewish critics of Jewish behavior continue to deny the basic fiction of the German gassings even as they bemoan the pathology of the Jewish proclivity to suggest that Jewish dead are somehow more valuable than nonJewish dead.

And anyone who tries to stand up to this thought-control tyranny, if they are in the truculent satellite countries of the Corporate West axis of evil, is immediately silenced and thrown into jail for saying things that are simply not allowed by our Jewish keepers.

Perhaps an even worse effect is that hundreds of otherwise progressive news sources are effectively constrained from even reporting honestly on this very crucial issue to human development because of these insane hate speech laws regarding the Holocaust that are spreading around the world.

Ironically, the real hate speech comes from the very people who passed these laws.

The assertion that six million Jews were murdered in gas chambers by Germans does not stand in the light of critical and objective scrutiny, and never has. It is only the Zionist spin machine, which controls far more of your thought than you know, insisting on the fiction, repeating the propaganda, that has allowed this mistaken idea to take hold in the public mind. Call it the Lee Harvey Oswald principle.

It is merely a twisted legend of remembered misery fostered by a self-referential hysteria based upon an ancient edict that declares one random group of people in the desert are, in perpetuity, so vastly superior to every other group of humans on the planet that they may commit any crime against any nonJew without penalty. And this is precisely the madness that today has our world in a death grip.

Ernst Zundel's trial, a phony Jewish circus if there ever was one, has been postponed til after the holidays. The German judge fired Ernst's defense attorney and appointed a more suitable one provided by the state. Has there been a darker picture of justice in the Corporate West than this? Sure, every day.

Justice in the Corporate West these days is marked by American-hired mercenaries in black hoods using cattle prods on the orifices of people they know are innocent. That is the hallmark behavior of the real axis of evil: Britain, Israel, and the United States.

The rest of the world may not let this situation go on much longer, particularly since the Jewish infiltration of the U.S. government, as well as the U.S. entertainment, medical, and financial systems has as its objective the collapse of the entire world society and the consequently lucrative fire sale profits that will be available during the process of repairing a collapsed world structure. It's a place where we're headed where freedom is simply not on the menu.

Of the two free speech activists now imprisoned in Germany (Irving was Nov. 16 in Austria), Germar Rudolf may be the more significant arrest. His body of work is so academically scrupulous and his conclusions so definitive and persuasive that the Jews who run the Zionist murder machine simply had to get him off the street.

As Michael Hoffman reported:

Of all the scientists who have scrutinized the Auschwitz gas chamber yarn, Rudolf was the most meticulous and dispassionate. His deportation to face a prison sentence in the German-Israeli banana republic is a tragedy. To claim that he incited racial hatred because he cast doubt on the dogma of homicidal gas chambers is like arresting a scientist who questions the Catholic dogma of the Virgin Birth because it might "incite hatred" of Italians. This is just too stupid.

And even creepier, now, when you pay attention to the corporate spun news, you see new stories almost every day: people being swept up for not thinking the right thoughts, people being jailed for decades for simply having thoughts and taking actions that show they have a sense of humanity and honesty, and are unwilling to accept the facile lies by a social establishment that is drenched in Jewish money, and skewing all the facts of existence for profit.

You think my statements are over the top? Consider this — the central core of the Holocaust debate: the gas chambers at Auschwitz.

This bold assertion, which has skewed all political dealings in the world since it was alleged to have happened in 1945, is only the last surviving bit of hyperbole from a much larger and much more ridiculous retinue of preposterous claims put forth by Jewish media over time to popularize Holocaust fever. These range from using the skin of dead Jews to make lampshades and soap. The term Holocaust itself stems from a phrase used by a famous writer that has now been proven false.

Jewish hysteric Elie Wiesel won the Nobel prize for literature for his accounts of the Holocaust, and his critics have proven his statements a work of fiction. Here is Faurisson’s assessment:

Elie Wiesel passes for one of the most celebrated eyewitnesses to the alleged Holocaust. Yet in his supposedly autobiographical book Night, he makes no mention of gas chambers. He claims instead to have witnessed Jews being burned alive, a story now dismissed by all historians. Wiesel gives credence to the most absurd stories of other "eyewitnesses." He spreads fantastic tales of 10,000 persons sent to their deaths each day in Buchenwald.

When Elie Wiesel and his father, as Auschwitz prisoners, had the choice of either leaving with their retreating German "executioners," or remaining behind in the camp to await the Soviet "liberators," the two decided to leave with their German captors.

It is time, in the name of truth and out of respect for the genuine sufferings of the victims of the Second World War, that historians return to the proven methods of historical criticism, and that the testimony of the Holocaust "eyewitnesses" be subjected to rigorous scrutiny rather than unquestioning acceptance.

Another observer of the Holocaust debacle writes:

Of course the Holocaust happened, in a general sense. The question is how much of it happened. Only an idiot would say "the Holocaust didn't happen." The other side tries to pretend that revisionism is "Holocaust denial." When you say "the Holocaust didn't happen," you are just playing right into their hands, and discrediting revisionism. http://www.geniebusters.org/915/04g_gas.html

The above link lists six reasons why the gas chamber story is a lie, which I will synopsize.

1. The room Jews claim was the Auschwitz gas chamber clearly isn’t that and wasn’t that (open the link and study the documentary photos).

2. Germans are meticulous record keepers. Many documents were seized after World War II. None ever contained any written plans to exterminate Jews.

3. There are no live photographs of people being gassed at Auschwitz.

4. Jewish witness testimony doesn’t prove there were gas chambers.

5. Standard (Jewish) reference books cannot be trusted.

6. Hitler stated his intentions openly, and the Nazis committed atrocities openly.

There is no valid evidence for the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz, only a concerted effort by Jewish media to convince people there were.

Contemplate the reasons why this is happening, and see how they pertain to your own health.

These thoughts need to be articulated.

Humans are decent people, not robotoids who need to be molded by social forces into banal, braindead docility.

The infinite flower that is the human individual should be nurtured and cherished, not controlled, abused and murdered for reasons that are lies.

Ladies and gentlemen: Some few of you already know this, but most of you don’t. Especially note the number of apparently progressive publications who will not run this story because it mentions Jews. Do you now realize you yourself are a prisoner in the Jewish war on freedom of speech?

As you sit there on your couch reading, in your comfortable home, watching a Hollywood movie, eating corporate food, believing in a groovy, synthetic god, sucking down an aspartame-laden Diet Coke, do you have any idea of what the poet William Blake once called “mind-forg’d manacles?”

Be careful what you think. You could be jailed for it at any time, especially if what you think is about Jews. This is the new American way. I wonder where it came from.

Originally Published: http://www.rudemacedon.ca/kaminski/05/1118-speech.html