This program ended in 2020 with COVID
Our Pilot Program has ended !
Congrats to our 9th Grade student who matriculated at grade level!
- volunteerism/service-learning
- academic inquiry
- artistic expression
- personal development
- credit recovery
- ACT5 offers service learning credit only at this time.
- In the past, we have enrolled students depending on need and available resources.
- Students from any school may earn service learning credit as ACT5 ! volunteers, without being enrolled in the Academy.
- The (now closed) private Academy is aligned with CA Education Codes for private non-profit schools, and a NAIS Principles of Good Practice,, to address grade level objectives within a flexible curriculum.
- The curriculum is non-religious/secular in nature; however, ACT5! is a spiritually-centered, mindful organization that celebrates and respects all religions and belief systems.