Our Programmes 

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growth mindset



                                       Community Development Scholarship Competition: 

                                                Urban Land Institute Student Team Video Story

Peer Tutoring program in San Pedro, CA

 Our First Public Event as ACT5!, circa 2016.

This program ended in 2020 with COVID 

Our Pilot Program has ended !

Congrats to our 9th Grade student who matriculated at grade level!


    • volunteerism/service-learning
    • academic inquiry
    • artistic expression
    • personal development
    • credit recovery
Our socially conscious program is designed around Humanistic, evidence-based theory and practices that support inquiry, analytical thinking, and total well-being. FAQs
    • ACT5 offers service learning credit only at this time.
    • In the past, we have enrolled students depending on need and available resources.
    • Students from any school may earn service learning credit as ACT5 ! volunteers, without being enrolled in the Academy.
    • The (now closed) private Academy is aligned with CA Education Codes for private non-profit schools, and a NAIS Principles of Good Practice,, to address grade level objectives within a flexible curriculum.
    • The curriculum is non-religious/secular in nature; however, ACT5! is a spiritually-centered, mindful organization that celebrates and respects all religions and belief systems.
Love & Learning, Dr. Kalina A. Noelle