Call for Papers

The Student Research Workshop (SRW) is held in conjunction with ACL 2015. The SRW is designed to provide a venue for student researchers in Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing to present their work. Students will receive feedback and mentorship from an experienced researcher in the field. Mentors will be assigned to each student based on the topic of the students work. The SRW invites two types of submissions:

  • Research Papers- completed work or works-in-progress along with preliminary results. We encourage submissions from masters students and advanced undergraduates in addition to from Ph.D. students.

  • Thesis Proposal- for advanced students who have decided on a thesis topic and are interested in feedback about their proposal and ideas about future directions for their work.

The deadline for submission is March 31. Students who wish to receive pre-submission mentoring must submit by February 24. Please see the list of Important Dates and Submission Guidelines.

The SRW is interested in topics related to computational linguistics, including but not limited to:

  • Cognitive modeling of language processing and psycholinguistics

  • Dialogue and interactive systems

  • Discourse, coreference and pragmatics

  • Evaluation methods

  • Generation

  • Information retrieval

  • Language resources

  • Lexical semantics and ontologies

  • Low resource language processing

  • Machine translation: methods, applications and evaluation

  • Mathematical linguistics, grammatical formalisms

  • Multilinguality in NLP

  • NLP applications

  • NLP for the Web and social media

  • Phonology/Morphology, word segmentation

  • Tagging and chunking

  • Question answering

  • Semantics

  • Sentiment analysis, opinion mining and text classification

  • Spoken language processing

  • Statistical and Machine Learning methods in NLP

  • Summarization

  • Syntax and parsing

  • Text mining and information extraction