Manufacturing Processes

Manufacturing processes is an "umbrella" term which covers a wide range of diverse processes. They are used to manufacture products, where they transform raw materials into finished goods. Such finished goods may be used to produce other more complex products (such as aircraft, cars etc) or sold to consumers. 

Over the past 20 years we have investigated manufacturing processes through a series of research projects that studied material behaviour in joining , sheet metal forming, the use of nano materials in composites, extended investigations of material behaviour as well as applications using 3D printing for additive manufacturing, and in-depth study of the novel process of cold spraying which can provide thick coatings while possessing additive manufacturing abilities. 

Our efforts together with researchers and industrial partners from Greece, the Northwestern Polytechnical University in China and the Ufa State Aviation Technical University at the Russian Federation have produced to date a number of scientific papers on these subjects.

See article on LinkedIn on the effectiveness of nanotechnology research.

Journal papers on Manufacturing processes

Conference papers on Manufacturing processes