
Few captured events

18th July 2021

“If you torture the data long enough, it will confess.”

― Ronald H. Coase

It was a wonderful discussion and counseled the young research scholar minds from Chemistry, Osmania University, about Data Analysis & Interpretation (XRD and SEM) (2-1).

11th July 2021

It was a wonderful discussion and counseled the young research scholar minds from the department of Chemistry, Osmania University, about selecting a research topic and literature review (1).

6th March 2021

1st Day

It was fun to teach young minds (7th grade) how the #electrochemistry can be used to generate #electricity using examples of #potatoes #oranges #lemons and #vinegar #batterytechnology....

Also, introduced basics of #internetofthingsiot as a #future #technology and to learn #programing

10th April 2021

2nd day with young #Taiwanese 7th grade students under STMIC program on learning #density #surfacetension #adhesive force in the #englishlanguage through in-hand science experiments using water, a variety of colors, pepper powder, milk, yogurt, coins , paper clips. With multifarious activities, it was a wow moment for them..

24th April 2021

3rd day with young #taiwanese students under STMIC program on learning working principle of electromagnetism through in-hand science experiments using batteries, Cu wire and iron nails. In this activity, students learned how to make an electromagnet, homopolar motor, electromagnetic motor, self-driving motor, and magnetic-gravitational forces. This time students also learn few Vedic mathematical tricks to do multiplication and division.

1st May 2021

4th day with young #taiwanese students under STMIC program on learning working principle of Cub Scout robotics and Google teachable machines.

In the first activity, students learned how to make a Cub Scout robot using a battery, vibrating motor and a toothbrush.

In the second activity, students train a model using Google Teachable Machines by generating a database of pictures, sound and body action.

4th Dec 2017

(Prof. Grace Lin )

29th April 2016

(Prof. Grace Lin )

7th Apr 2016

(Prof. Grace Lin )