

We invite exhibitors wishing to promote instruments sales, musical supplies, instrument repair services, other musician-focused goods and services, or locally inspired merchandise and souvenirs.

Event Location: The Founders Inn and Spa - 5641 Indian River Rd, Virginia Beach, VA 23464

Event Dates: Wednesday, March 18 - Saturday March 21, 2020

Setup Time: Wednesday, March 18 9 am – 12 noon

Exhibit Hours: Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 12 noon – 8 pm

  • Exhibitors may choose to be present for only a portion of this time.

  • No fee pro-ration is available.

  • Exhibits must be cleared by 12 noon on Sun March 22.

Fees: $150. ($50 discount for ACB members)


  • 10'X10' space in the exhibitors area near registration.

  • One 8' table with cloth and skirt.

  • Free wireless internet access.

  • Listing in Convention Program Book.

Extra amenities such as electricity access may be arranged through the Founders Inn. See this request form.

Reservation Deadline: February 1, 2020

ACB 2020

276 Weatherford Way

Newport News, VA 23602

Exhibitor Agreement Deadline: March 1, 2020

ACB 2020

276 Weatherford Way

Newport News, VA 23602

Cancellation: Only requests received prior to February 1, 2020 can be honored.


Summary of Forms