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Bylaws of the Association of Academic Women

Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the Association for Academic Women (AAW).

Article II: Object

The object of the Association for Academic Women is to offer a collegial network for the advancement and welfare of women faculty members and Teams Exempt staff of the University of Florida.

Article III: Membership

Sec.1. Active Membership: The active membership shall consist of:

a. Current and retired female faculty members and Teams Exempt staff at the University of Florida who have applied for membership and paid dues.

b. Any woman whose present or former affiliation with the University of Florida or other university or college is such as could entitle her to membership may apply in writing to the Membership Committee. Upon recommendation by the Committee, the Executive Board shall make the decision granting membership.

Sec. 2. Honorary membership: Honorary Life Membership shall be open without dues or vote to persons proposed by the Executive Board and approved by the active members of the Association. Candidates for honorary life membership shall be persons previously eligible for active membership in the association.

Sec. 3. Guest membership shall be open without dues or vote for the current year to persons approved by the Executive Board.

Article IV: Dues

Sec. 1. The dues of the Association shall be set by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

Sec. 2. The membership year shall run from June 1 through May 31.

Article V: Officers

Sec. 1. The officers: The officers shall be President, President-Elect, Immediate Past-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Sec. 2. Election of Officers: Officers shall be elected by a majority of active members voting in an annual election at a meeting designated by the Executive Board. The President-elect shall be elected annually. The secretary shall be elected in odd numbered years. The treasurer shall be elected in even numbered years. Officers may be elected to subsequent terms. Officers shall assume duties on June 1 at the beginning of the fiscal year.

Sec. 3. Term of Office: The usual term of office shall be two years with the exception of President-Elect. The President-Elect shall become President one year later and immediate Past-President the following year for a total term of three years.

Sec. 4. Vacancies: Any vacancy in the elective offices, with the exception of the office or President-Elect or President, shall be filled for the balance of the term by appointment of the Executive Board. The office of President shall be filled by the President-Elect. The office of President-Elect shall be filled by a vote of the active members.

Sec. 5. Replacement and Removal of Officers: Any officer may be removed from office by a petition bearing the signatures of 2/3 of the paid members. In such an event, the Executive Board shall call a special election to fill the vacated office.

Article VI: Voting

Sec. 1: A vote may be taken at a meeting of the Association provided notice of the proposed action is distributed in writing to active members a minimum of two weeks prior to the meeting.

Sec. 2: A vote may be taken electronically provided notice of the proposed action is distributed in writing to active members a minimum of two weeks prior to a voting deadline established by the Executive Board.

Article VII: Meetings

Sec. 1: General meetings. There shall be at least one general meeting of the membership each year, designated as the annual business meeting, during which time elections for officers shall be conducted.

Sec. 2: Special meetings may be called at any time by the President or any three members of the Executive Board. Notice shall be sent to all active members.

Sec. 3: Quorum: A quorum shall be constituted when fifteen percent (15%) of the active membership is present at a meeting, regular or special, provided it has been properly announced. All business may be legally transacted with a quorum present.

Article VIII: Executive Board

Sec. 1. Composition of the Executive Board.

(a) The officers, immediate Past President, Parliamentarian, and representative(s) of each standing committee shall constitute an Executive Board to transact Association business.

(b) A simple majority of members shall constitute a quorum in any meeting of the Executive Board provided it is one that is either a scheduled meeting or one that has been properly announced.

Sec. 2: The Immediate Past President shall automatically become a member of the Executive Board. In the event the immediate Past President is unavailable to serve on the Executive Board, the previous Past President shall be asked to serve again.

Sec. 3. Responsibility of the Executive Board:

(a) The business of the Association shall be directed by the Executive Board, which is authorized to speak and act for the Association.

(b) The Executive Board of the Association shall be authorized to work on behalf of the Association through standing and ad hoc committees.

(c) The Executive Board shall be authorized to call meetings of the membership with appropriate notice.

(d) The Executive Board shall provide an annual accounting of income and expenditures and a report of Association activities at the annual business meeting.

Sec. 4: Parliamentarian: The Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Board and shall be thoroughly familiar with the Bylaws of the Association. The Parliamentarian shall advise the presiding officer, the Executive Board and the membership on all points of parliamentary law and shall be able to attend meeting on a regular basis. The Parliamentarian shall receive input regarding changes to Bylaws and propose and/or refer these changes to the Executive Board.

Sec. 5: Meetings: The Executive Board shall meet as needed but no less than five times per year at a day, time and location selected by Board members.

Article IX: Standing Committees

Sec. 1: Authorization and discontinuance: Committees of the Association shall be authorized and discontinued by action of the Executive Board.

Sec. 2: Standing Committees: Standing committees may be established to consider matters that require continuity of attention by the members. When such a committee is established its function, name, and size shall be determined. The standing committees shall be as designated in the standing rules.

Sec. 3. Nominating Committee: A nominating committee shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Board. It shall be composed of up to three members, one of whom shall be the Immediate Past President who shall serve as chair. A slate consisting of candidate(s) for each office shall be presented to the membership at the annual business meeting. Additional nominations may be made from the floor. Following distribution of the slate to voting members, an electronic vote shall be taken with a one week deadline for submission of votes.

Sec. 4. Executive Committee: The officers shall constitute an Executive Committee.

Sec. 5. Special Executive Committee: Emergency action may be taken between Executive Board meetings by a special executive committee composed of the President and any two officers.

Sec. 6. As hoc committees: Special (ad hoc) committees for the performance of particular assignments may be appointed at any time by the president after consultation with other members of the Executive Board. No such committee may be continued beyond the term of the appointing president.

Article X: Amendment of Bylaws

Amendments to the bylaws may be proposed by the Executive Board, by 15% or more of active members through written submission to the Parliamentarian or by the Parliamentarian acting as chairperson of an ad hoc bylaws committee. Amendments so proposed shall be distributed in writing by mail or electronically to active members. Such notification shall be completed a minimum of two weeks prior to a scheduled vote. A positive vote of 2/3 of active members voting electronically shall be required to ratify amendments. There shall be a one week deadline for submission of votes.

Article XI. Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in 21st Century Robert's Rules of Order or other standard sources of parliamentary law shall govern the association in all instances where they are applicable and not inconsistent with these bylaws and any other special rules the association shall adopt.

*Includes TEAMS EXEMPT, formerly Administrative and Professional (A&P) employees

April 2011

AAW Standing Rules