22.479 Re: Search Cygnus A - Re: Rekonstruktion, version 1 - Re: Abraham-koden


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Subject: Re: Search Cygnus A -

Re: Rekonstruktion, version 1 -

Re: Abraham-koden

Organization: The Kingdom of Heaven, Department Fools of Christ

Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2020 21:24:56 +0200

22479 news:5f45658d$0$692$14726298@news.sunsite.dk



___ quote begin _______________________________________________

Den 25-08-2020 kl. 20:53 skrev Kall, Mogens:


> Den 25-08-2020 kl. 19:15 skrev Kall, Mogens:


> Newsgroups:

> News:dk.videnskab

> Subject: Re: Search Cygnus A -

> Re: Rekonstruktion, version 1 -

> Re: Abraham-koden

> Organization: The Kingdom of Heaven, Department Fools of Christ

> Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2020 19:15:39 +0200

> 22477 news:5f454740$0$698$14726298@news.sunsite.dk

> https://sites.google.com/site/abraham175code/files/22-xxx/22-4xx/22-47x/22-477


> https://groups.google.com/g/dk.videnskab/c/J5vLg962edQ/m/ukwj_cjSBgAJ

> >

> > Crater09-West

> > 21.397521, -89.515058

> > 0,00 m to Crater09-West

> > 28,33 m to Crater09-00

> > 56,64 m to Crater09-East

> > 322,30 m to Crater01-NASA

> >

> > Crater09-00

> > 21.397644, -89.514818

> > 28,33 m to Crater09-West

> > 0,00 m to Crater09-00

> > 28,31 m to Crater09-East

> > 324,56 m to Crater01-NASA

> >

> >

> > Crater09-East

> > 21.397768, -89.514578

> > 56,64 m to Crater09-West

> > 28,31 m to Crater09-00

> > 0,00 m to Crater09-East

> > 329,39 m to Crater01-NASA

> [ ... ]

> > 127-West

> > 21.312352, -89.521658

> >

> > 127-00

> > 21.312384, -89.521433

> >

> > 127-East

> > 21.312422, -89.521207

> [ ... ]

>> Homework:


>> Beregn de 2 * 3 vinkler ...


>> 1.a

>> from

>> 78-127-West-line


> http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html?from=18.800256,-89.713085&to=21.312352,-89.521658



> Distance: 280 km (to 4 SF*)

> Initial bearing: 004° 03′ 42″


> 4 + (3/60) + (42/3600) = 4,061666667



>> to

>> 78-Xcambo


> http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html?from=18.800256,-89.713085&to=21.313795,-89.353871



> Distance: 282 km (to 4 SF*)

> Initial bearing: 007° 35′ 06″


> 7 + (35/60) + (6/3600) = 7,585


> =>


> -4,061666667 + 7,585 = 3,523333333


>> Position

>> 78


>> 2.a

>> from

>> 78-127-00-line


> http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html?from=18.800256,-89.713085&to=21.312384,-89.521433



> Distance: 280.1 km (to 4 SF*)

> Initial bearing: 004° 03′ 59″


> 4 + (3/60) + (59/3600) = 4,066388889



>> to

>> 78-Xcambo


> http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html?from=18.800256,-89.713085&to=21.313795,-89.353871



> Distance: 282 km (to 4 SF*)

> Initial bearing: 007° 35′ 06″


> 7 + (35/60) + (6/3600) = 7,585


> =>


> -4,066388889 + 7,585 = 3,518611111


>> Position

>> 78


>> 3.a

>> from

>> 78-127-East-line


> http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html?from=18.800256,-89.713085&to=21.312422,-89.521207



> Distance: 280.1 km (to 4 SF*)

> Initial bearing: 004° 04′ 16″


> 4 + (4/60) + (16/3600) = 4,071111111


>> to

>> 78-Xcambo


> http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html?from=18.800256,-89.713085&to=21.313795,-89.353871



> Distance: 282 km (to 4 SF*)

> Initial bearing: 007° 35′ 06″


> 7 + (35/60) + (6/3600) = 7,585


> =>


> -4,071111111 + 7,585 = 3,513888889


>> Position

>> 78


[ ... ]

> 1.b

> from

> (50-south)-(Crater09-West)-line


Distance: 153.2 km (to 4 SF*)

Initial bearing: 291° 52′ 05″

291 + (52/60) + (05/3600) = 291,868056


> http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html?from=20.888362,-88.140855&to=21.397521,-89.515058



> Distance: 153.4 km (to 4 SF*)

> Initial bearing: 291° 54′ 45″


> 291 + (54/60) + (45/3600) = 291,9125


>> to

>> 50-south-127-West-line


Distance: 150.7 km (to 4 SF*)

Initial bearing: 288° 25′ 03″

288 + (25/60) + (03/3600) = 288,4175


291,868056 - 288,4175 = 3,450556


> http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html?from=20.888362,-88.140855&to=21.312352,-89.521658



> Distance: 150.8 km (to 4 SF*)

> Initial bearing: 288° 27′ 56″


> 288 + (27/60) + (56/3600) = 288,4655556


> =>


> 291,9125 - 288,4655556 = 3,4469444


>> Position

>> 50-south


[ ... ]

> 2.b

> from

> (50-south)-(Crater09-00)-line


Distance: 153.2 km (to 4 SF*)

Initial bearing: 291° 52′ 35″

291 + (52/60) + (35/3600) = 291,8763889


> http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html?from=20.888362,-88.140855&to=21.397644,-89.514818



> Distance: 153.3 km (to 4 SF*)

> Initial bearing: 291° 55′ 14″


> 291 + (55/60) + (14/3600) = 291,9205556



>> to

>> 50-south-127-00-line


Distance: 150.7 km (to 4 SF*)

Initial bearing: 288° 25′ 17″

288 + (25/60) + (17/3600) = 288,4213889


291,8763889 - 288,4213889 = 3,455


> http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html?from=20.888362,-88.140855&to=21.312384,-89.521433



> Distance: 150.8 km (to 4 SF*)

> Initial bearing: 288° 28′ 10″


> 288 + (28/60) + (10/3600) = 288,4694444


> =>


> 291,9205556 - 288,4694444 = 3,4511112


>> Position

>> 50-south


[ ... ]

> 3.b

> from

> (50-south)-(Crater09-East)-line


Distance: 153.2 km (to 4 SF*)

Initial bearing: 291° 53′ 04″

291 + (53/60) + (04/3600) = 291,8844444


> http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html?from=20.888362,-88.140855&to=21.397768,-89.514578



> Distance: 153.3 km (to 4 SF*)

> Initial bearing: 291° 55′ 44″


> 291 + (55/60) + (4/3600) = 291,9177778


>> to

>> 50-south-127-East-line


Distance: 150.6 km (to 4 SF*)

Initial bearing: 288° 25′ 33″

288 + (25/60) + (33/3600) = 288,4258333


291,8844444 - 288,4258333 = 3,4586111


> http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html?from=20.888362,-88.140855&to=21.312422,-89.521207



> Distance: 150.8 km (to 4 SF*)

> Initial bearing: 288° 28′ 26″


> 288 + (28/60) + (26/3600) = 288,4738889


> =>


> 291,9177778 - 288,4738889 = 3,4438889


>> Position

>> 50-south


>> +


>> 127-West

>> 1.a + 1.b = Galactic latitude of Cygnus A ?

>> (M.Everest forrykket sig 385 meter mod Vest)


> 3,523333333 + 3,4469444 = 6,970277733

3,523333333 + 3,450556 = 6,973889333



>> 127-00

>> 2.a + 2.b = Galactic latitude of Cygnus A ?


> 3,518611111 + 3,4511112 = 6,969722311

3,518611111 + 3,455 = 6,973611111



>> 127-East

>> 2.a + 2.b = Galactic latitude of Cygnus A ?

>> (M.Everest forrykket sig 385 meter mod Øst)


> 3,513888889 + 3,4438889 = 6,957777789

3,513888889 + 3,4586111 = 6,972499989


> =>


> 6,970277733

> 6,969722311

> 6,957777789





> Compare with ...


> Cygnus A

> https://sites.google.com/site/etbible/home/objects/cygnus-a


> Galactic 360:

> Longitude 076,1899

> Latitude +05,7554



> Nå da da!


> Resultatet blev IKKE helt som forventet.



> Gad vide om det alligevel skulle ha' været nord-pyramiden ?

Og dét hjalp åbenbart heller ikke!

HVOR skal vi så grave søgegrøft (hvis dette havde været en

arkæologisk udgravning) ?

HVOR er "skatten" skjult ?

Ud fra punkterne west-0-east-193 ?

Tja ...

Hvorfor ikke ?

Med venlig hilsen,

Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael.


Coming up news: Iran hit by a Asteroid. Iran is no more (Jer.49,34-) ?

Last OUTPUT: 22300 news:5e989f19$0$697$14726298@news.sunsite.dk


Info http://groups.google.dk/group/dk.test/msg/591d03940b49201e

Website https://sites.google.com/site/kalltree1 File no 22479