Working Papers

Applied Econometrics 

A Practical Guide to Shift-Share IV. With Kirill Borusyak and Xavier Jaravel

In progress (draft available upon request)

Design-Based Estimation of Structural Parameters, with an Application to Demand. With Kirill Borusyak and Mauricio Caceres Bravo

In progress

Efficient Estimation with Non-Random Exposure to Exogenous Shocks. With Kirill Borusyak

Updated December 2021


"Something Works" in U.S. Jails: Misconduct and Recidivism Effects of the IGNITE Program. With Marcella Alsan, Arkey Barnett, & Crystal Yang

Updated May 2024. Revise and resubmit, Quarterly Journal of Economics. Non-technical summary. Twitter thread


Systemic Discrimination: Theory and Measurement. With J. Aislinn Bohren & Alex Imas

Updated December 2023. Reject and resubmit, Quarterly Journal of Economics. Twitter thread

Building Non-Discriminatory Algorithms in Selected Data. With David Arnold & Will Dobbie

Updated May 2024. Under review. Twitter thread

Unwarranted Racial Disparity in U.S. Foster Care Placement. With E. Jason Baron, Joseph J. Doyle, Jr., & Natalia Emanuel

Updated May 2024. Under review.

What Marginal Outcome Tests Can Tell Us About Racially Biased Decision-Making 

Updated February 2021. Twitter thread 


Putting Surveys to the Test. With Joshua Angrist, Parag Pathak, and Christopher Walters

In progress


Geographic Variation in Healthcare Utilization: The Role of Physicians. With Ivan Badinski, Amy Finkelstein, & Matthew Gentzkow

Updated September 2023. Under review

Temporarily Resting

Estimating Hospital Quality with Quasi-Experimental Data

Updated January 2020.

Estimating Treatment Effects in Mover Designs

Updated April 2018.

IsoLATEing: Identifying Counterfactual-Specific Treatment Effects with Cross-Stratum Comparisons

Updated February 2018.