Curriculum Vitae


2007 Ph.D. in the Energy and Resources Group, UC Berkeley. Dissertation: A New Class of Spatial Models with Applications to Abundance Prediction. 

2003 M.S. in the Energy and Resources Group, UC Berkeley. Thesis: Dry Deposition of Nitric Acid in Blodgett Forest. 

2002 M.S. in Chemistry, UC Berkeley. Examination. 

2000 B.S. dual major in Biology-Chemistry, Claremont-McKenna, 2000 (Magna Cum Laude). Honors thesis: Preferences of the Ribeiroia Parasite for Frog or Toad Tadpoles and for Goldfish. Study abroad in Australia and Ecuador (completed a semester     thesis, written in Spanish: Frog calls in Yasuni Park). 


Conlisk, E. G Golet, R. Kelsey, M. Reynolds, N. Elliot, M. Reiter.  Accepted.  Factors driving shorebird use of post-harvest flooded rice fields in California’s Sacramento Valley. Journal of Wildlife Management.

Conlisk, E., S. Evans, A. Syphard, V. Butsic, M. Jennings.  2024.  Evidence of increasing wildfire damage with decreasing property price in Southern California fires. PLoS One 19(4): e0300346.

Byrd, K., E Matchett, T Wilson, C Mengelt, M Reiter, E Conlisk, M Moritsch, S Veloz, D DiPietro, D Schlafmann, M Casazza.  2023.  Co-production of Scenario Data Products to Increase Adaptive Capacity for Dynamic Waterbird Habitat in California’s Central Valley. Conservation Biology 37(5): e14089.

Conlisk, E., K. Byrd, E. Matchett, A. Lorenz, M. Casazza, G. Golet, M.D.Reynolds, K.A. Sesser, M.E. Reiter.  2023. Changes in habitat suitability for wintering dabbling ducks during dry conditions in the Central Valley of California. Ecosphere 14(1): e4367

Shuman, J.K.,…E. Conlisk,…+84 authors. 2022. Reimagine Fire Science for the Anthropocene. Accepted to PNAS Nexus.

Wilson, T., E. Matchett, K. Byrd, E. Conlisk, M. Reiter, C. Wallace, L. Flint, A. Flint, M. Moritsch.  2022. Integrated modeling of climate and land use change impacts on future dynamic wetland habitat – a case study from California’s Central Valley. Journal of Environmental Management 37: 861-881.

Rojas I., Conlisk, R. Lewison, I. Storey, D. Stow, A. Syphard, K. West, M. Jennings.  2021.  A new landscape-scale framework for identifying refugia to advance conservation in a changing world.  Conservation Biology 36(1): e13834.

Conlisk, E., M. Reiter, G. Golet, M. Reynolds, K. Byrd.  2021.  Comparing distribution models for real-time and long-term average environmental conditions in dynamic systems. Ecological Applications 32(4): e2510.

Conlisk, E., E. Haeuser, R. Lewison, M. Jennings.  2021.  Predicting functional connectivity with climate change to prioritize corridors for Southern California spotted owls.  Diversity and Distributions 25(5); 844-856.

Jennings, M., E. Haeuser, D. Foote, R. Lewison, Conlisk, E.  2020.  Planning for dynamic connectivity: Operationalizing robust decision-making and prioritization across landscapes experiencing climate and land use change. Land 9(10): 3.

Saenz, B., D. Ainley, K. Daly, G. Ballard, E. Conlisk, M Elrod, S. Kim. 2020. Predator response to seasonal changes in foraging conditions and prey availability along an ice edge. Scientific Reports 10, 7282.

Syphard, A.D., D. Ackerly, H. Rustigian-Rosmos, M. Mann, E. Conlisk, M. Moritz, S. Di Tommaso. 2019. The relative influence of climate and housing pattern on current and projected fire distribution and structure loss across three California landscapes.  Global Environmental Change 56: 41-55.

Conlisk, E., C. Castanha, A. Moyes, M. Germino, T. Veblen, J. Smith, L. Kueppers. 2018. Seed origin influences the pace of lodgepole pine population responses to experimental climate change. Global Change Biology 24: 197-211.

Kueppers, L., A. Fiast, S. Ferrenberg, C. Castanha, E. Conlisk, J. Wolf. 2017. Lab and field warming advance germination date and limit germination rate for high and low elevation provenances of two widespread subalpine conifers. Forests 8: 433.

Conlisk, E., C. Castanha, A. Moyes, M. Germino, T. Veblen, J. Smith, L. Kueppers. 2017. Declines in low-elevation subalpine tree populations outpace growth in high-elevation populations with warming. Journal of Ecology 105: 1347-1357.

Kueppers, L., E. Conlisk, C. Castanha, A. Moyes, M. Germino, J. Mitton, M. Torn. 2017. Warming and provenance limit tree recruitment across and beyond the elevation range of subalpine forest. Global Change Biology 23(6): 2383-2395.

Kitzes, J., E. Berlow, E. Conlisk, K. Erb, K. Iha, N. Martinez, E. Newman, C. Plutzar, A.B. Smith, J. Harte. 2017. The global wildlife footprint: linking biodiversity loss to economic consumption. Conservation Letters 10(5): 531-538.

Conlisk, E. 2016. Colonization rules and spatial distributions in ecology. Ecological Complexity 28: 218-221.

Conlisk, E., R. Swab, A. Martinez-Berdeja, M. Daugherty. 2016. Post-fire recovery in coastal sage scrub: seed rain and community trajectory. PLoS ONE 11(9): e0162777.

Conlisk, E., A. Syphard, J. Franklin, H. Regan. 2015. Predicting the impact of fire on a vulnerable multi-species community using a dynamic vegetation model. Ecological Modelling 301: 27-39.

Conlisk, E., S. Motheral, R. Chung, C. Wisinski, B. Endress. 2014. Using spatially explicit population models to determine ideal restoration sites for the coastal cactus wren. Biological Conservation 175: 42-51.

Conlisk, E., A. Syphard, J. Franklin, H. Regan. 2013. Understanding and Improving Wildfire Decision Support for Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton: User’s Manual for the Simulated Response of Vegetation and At-Risk Species to Fire. Final Report to Land Management Branch AC/S Environmental Security, United States Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Award W9126G-10-2-09943, 176 pp.

Conlisk, E., A. Syphard, J. Franklin, L. Flint, A. Flint, H. Regan. 2013. Uncertainty in assessing the impacts of global change using combined species distribution population models. Global Change Biology 19: 858-869.

Conlisk, E., and J. Conlisk. 2012. Modeling spatial aggregation of finite populations: Comment. Ecology, 93, 2497-2498.

Conlisk, E., D. Lawson, A. Syphard, J. Franklin, L. Flint, A. Flint, H. Regan. 2012. The roles of dispersal, fecundity, and predation on the population of an oak (Quercus engelmannii) under global change. PLoS ONE, 7, e36391.

Conlisk, J., E. Conlisk, A. bin Kassim, I. Billick, J. Harte. 2012. The shape of spatial abundance distributions. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21, 1167-1178.

Conlisk, J., E. Conlisk, J. Harte. 2010. Hubbell’s local abundance distribution: Insights from a simple colonization rule. Oikos, 119, 379-383.

Conlisk, E., J. Conlisk, J. Harte. 2009. Improved abundance prediction from presence-absence data. Global Ecology and Biogeography 18:1-10.

Harte, J., T. Zillio, E. Conlisk, A. Smith. 2008. Maximum entropy and the state variable approach to macroecology. Ecology 89: 2700-2711.

Conlisk, E., M. Bloxham, J. Conlisk, B. Enquist, J. Harte. 2007. A new class of models of spatial distribution. Ecological Monographs 77: 269-286.

Conlisk, E., J. Conlisk, J. Harte. 2007. The impossibility of measuring a negative binomial clustering parameter from presence-absence data. American Naturalist 70(4): 651-654.

Harte, J., E. Conlisk, J. Green, A. Ostling, A. Smith. 2005. A theory of spatial structure in ecological communities at multiple spatial scales. Ecological Monographs 75: 179-197.


Conlisk, E., L. Chamberlain, M. Vernon, K. Dybala.  In press online.  Evidence for Carbon and other Co-benefits of Wetland Conservation in North America: a rapid evidence assessment.

Conlisk, E., N. Elliott, M. Reiter. 2022. Informing Strategic Wetland Restoration on Private Lands to Enhance Habitat Resilience in the Central Valley of California. Internal report for the Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Conlisk E., M. Reiter, T. Gardali. 2022. East Bay Parks Nature Check, Chapter 7 Birds:

Jennings, M., E. Conlisk, E. Hauser, D. Foote, R. Lewison. 2019. Climate Resilient Connectivity for the South Coast Ecoregion of California:

Conlisk, E., A. Syphard, J. Franklin, H. Regan. 2013.  Understanding and Improving Wildfire Decision Support for Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton: User’s Manual for the Simulated Response of Vegetation and At-Risk Species to Fire.  Final Report to Land Management Branch AC/S Environmental Security, United States Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Award W9126G-10-2-09943, 176 pp.

Kegley, S., E. Conlisk, M. Moses.  2008.  Risk Assessment for the Marin Municipal Water District’s Vegetation Management Plan.  Report no longer available online.

Kegley, S., E. Conlisk.  2010.  Pesticide Risk Mitigation Engine (PRiME): Inhalation Risk Index. Report supporting online pesticide risk tool for farmers.  No longer available online.


2023 - 2024  Senior Quantitative Ecologist, Conservation Biology Institute.

2022-2023    Data Scientist in the Center for Social Innovation, University of California, Riverside.

2017 - 2022  Quantitative Ecologist, Point Blue Conservation Science.

2020    Lecturer, University of California, Riverside.

2016-2017 Research Scientist, San Diego State University.

2014-2016  Postdoctoral Researcher in Dr. Lara Kuepper's Lab, UC Berkeley.

2012-2014  Postdoctoral Researcher in the San Diego Zoo’s Institute for Conservation Research Applied Plant Ecology Division.

2010-2012  Postdoctoral Researcher in Professor Helen Regan's lab, UC Riverside.

2009-2010  Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science Short-Term Postdoctoral Fellow. 

2007-2009  Associate Scientist at the Pesticide Research Institute. 

2007-2008  Research Assistant for Freedom to Roam and the California Academy of Sciences. 

2004-2007  Graduate student researcher for Professor John Harte. 

2003-2005  RMBL research assistant. Worked on plant identification and phenology, carbon and nitrogen cycling, repaired heaters simulating climate change. 

2004                Watamu Turtle Conservation volunteer. Turtle rehabilitation, habitat restoration, wrote education material, surveyed to align business and            conservation. 

2001-2002  Graduate student researcher for Professor Ron Cohen at UC Berkeley. 

2007-               Referee: American Naturalist, Biological Conservation, Biological Invasions, Biometrics, Conservation Biology, Diversity and Distributions, Ecology, Ecology and Evolution, Ecology Letters, Ecological Applications, Ecological Research, Ecosphere, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, Environmental Modelling Software, Fire Ecology, Flora, Forests, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Global Change Biology, Global Ecology and Biogeography, Landscape Ecology, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Nature Communications, PeerJ, PLoS One, Southwestern Naturalist, Statistics and Probability Letters, Sustainability, Wilson Journal of Ornithology.


2020     Lecturer, Introduction to Organismal Biology, University of California, Riverside.

2017-2019   Oakland High School AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination – preparing first-generation college-bound students) tutor and volunteer coordinator.

2016-2017  Guest science teacher in Oakland Unified Schools.

2013                Conservation Research in San Diego Zoo’s Masters Program. Taught the “Restoration Ecology” module including field trips.

2012                Field research experience for undergraduates, UC Riverside.

2005                Graduate Student Instructor in environmental problem solving at the UC, Berkeley. Taught weekly discussion sections. 

2004                Graduate Student Instructor in biology at UC, Berkeley. Taught weekly discussion sections and labs. 

2000-2002  Graduate Student Instructor in chemistry at UC, Berkeley. Taught weekly discussion sections and labs. 

1999-2000  Weekly guest science teacher at elementary school. 


2019             Capturing dynamic species responses to global change and advancing conservation science. Invited presentation to CSU San Bernardino. 

2018             Using real-time environmental variables to predict waterbird distributions in the Central Valley of California. Ecological Society of America Conference.  New Orleans, LA.

2017             Connectivity planning under climate change for urban wildlife in Southern California. International Urban Wildlife Conference.  San Diego, CA.

2017             Using ecological theory to advance conservation under global change: spatial patterns and dynamics in forests. Invited presentation to CSU San Marcos.  

2016             Putting ecology into predictions of forest range shifts under climate change. Invited presentation to University of Nebraska, Lincoln.  Lincoln, NE.

2016             Sustaining plant diversity: the importance of ecology in predicting the impacts of global change. Invited presentation to the California Academy of Sciences.