[3]12,13-11-2010 Results HFI Pollachi

Sincere Thanks to Hamfest 2010 Organizing committee,Non-VE helpers, all the examines and supporters for making this session successful.

we indeed noticed a lot of areas to improve the over all session experience and we keep striving to serve you better.

we heartily welcome new VEs in India to support this US Amateur Radio Exams in INDIA.

Current Extra class Licensees In India: Mallik-KI6RRY,Paddy-AC2DT,Prasad-W2PTT,Mastan-AE5VK,Ramesh-KC9SMO,Ganesh-KJ4VMC,Rajesh-AK4EC,& Suresh-AB9US.

One day Extras in India: Paddy-AC2DT , Rajesh Nambiar AK4EC.

Check here for FCC official pages for sequential call signs:

You can also have reference copy of the License in the above link.

Vanity callsign : http://wireless.fcc.gov/services/index.htm?job=call_signs_3&id=amateur&page=1#Call%20Sign%20Availability

Congratulations to Paddy AC2DT on his successful accreditation as a VE ARRL/VEC.

[3]12,13-11-2010 Results HFI Pollachi — List page from Classic Sites