Frequently asked questions


Does clearing the ARRL exam mean I don't need to clear the WPC exam ?

FCC issued license is for US and US administered territories.

WPC issued license is for operations in India.

So to operate in India one should have a direct WPC license or a reciprocal license. Usually foreign license holders apply for Indian reciprocal by submitting their license and Visa copy,period of stay and other details.

Read more about reciprocal permits worldwide for U.S. licensees:


I'm not a US citizen/ I never been to USA, can I still attempt these US amateur radio exams?

There is no minimum age,educational or nationality requirement to take these tests inside or outside the USA.


Can I provide the mailing address of my relative or a close friend who lives in the U.S. ?

Yes, you can provide. Make sure that they knows about this issue and accepts the original hard copy of the license delivered to their address.

If the license is rejected, automatically it will be canceled.


What is ham radio and the advantages of US amateur radio license?

ARRL is the right resource for all Amateur radio related info:

You can actively participate in public safety:
